Lessons From The Wind To Empower Living Carefree

As Erin was cutting cilantro in our outdoor kitchen in Santa Marta, Colombia the wind began to gust. Cilantro went swirling through the air like that scene from the movie ‘Twister’ when the tornado was about to touchdown.
Laughing, we started talking about how there are lessons to be learned from the wind & how these can empower living carefree in life.
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Embrace The Wind “La Brisa Loca”
Here in Santa Marta, each February the locals call the winds “La Brisa Loca” meaning “Crazy Winds.” During February a thermal inversion happens causing the cooler air from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to mix quickly with the warmer coastal air.
This causes rapid gusts of wind, which we’ve felt up to about 53 kph.
What’s interesting about embracing the wind is that it causes you to do things differently.
When we’re preparing a delicious meal in our outdoor kitchen, we have to be mindful of the wind and what we’re doing. The wind starts to whip so quickly that a pile of cilantro goes airborne while the flame on the stovetop snuffs out simultaneously.
As with anything in life, as the wind changes directions, we have to be open & prepared to embrace the wind of change.
Those that are open to accepting this change are the ones that adapt to achieve more than those who are resistant to the change.
Imagine going into work one day around the time of year that the office receives their annual raises. Your boss calls you into the office and you are let go.
Now what?
This actually happened at an agency I worked for after graduating college. Half of the department I worked for was let go right before the Holidays in 2007 because the company changed their mission.
Luckily, I wasn’t blown off like the others…
However, this la brisa loca blasted through the office that day causing me to see that a shift was taking place and where I was no longer was stable.
So… What did I do?
I started applying to the Fire Department, which turned out to be the last job I’ve ever had before making the decision to start learning how to build a business online & becoming an entrepreneur as a result.
If we were to do it differently all over again, we would have… We have developed an easy to implement process called “The Knowledge To Profit Method” which we’ll cover later in this article.
But first…
After looking at the situation, something stood out that I had never noticed before… No matter how “secure” you feel in a job, how secure is it really?
Before you feel the breeze, embrace the wind of change. You’ll come out the other side a better, stronger person.
Becoming A Conscious Creator
This situation was not the thing that pushed me over the edge to entrepreneurship. I was still working towards finding that “secure” job because I had the piece of paper saying I had a BS Degree (Bachelor of Science… not necessarily a Bull $hit degree! LOL).
Because, really… THAT is what the average person strives for, right? (At least that’s what I was going for…)
Until the stress of what I had seen and heard while in the fire department became too much. I couldn’t do it any longer. That was the wind of change starting to gust that I was feeling.
Have you ever felt like the situation you’re in has become too much & you just didn’t know what you should do in order to hit the reset button?
At first, I felt like jumping from job to job, chasing a paycheck that paid just a bit more than the previous was how I would get ahead. The goal was to live a carefree life, travel more and not have to worry about finances.
The problem with running with a job is that I had a FIXED amount that my bosses would pay.
I would have to settle with that…
One day, there was this lightbulb moment so bright & vivid, I practically felt like it had already come to reality.
The thought that swept over me was *IF* I could bounce from job to job chasing a paycheck, I should be able to figure out a simple method for launching a business online at the same time.
During that time, I had a little taste of network marketing as I had started promoting an energy service. So, I understood how that style of business worked and it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. The network marketing company made it seem like if I talked with my friends, family & acquaintances, I’d build a solid business.
That was not the case and I felt like it was misleading…
I had run across something (I wish I knew what it was so I could link it here) that talked about how we are all the conscious creators of our own reality. Through the concept of freewill we are able to make & act on decisions in every moment.
The culmination of these decisions creates each of our current realities.
As I was looking for the next job that paid more, I would make a decision to apply to a new place. THAT was a decision.
If the place offered more pay, I took the job. THAT too was a decision.
Now, after hearing about how acting on those decisions brings us to where we are today, I started to make the connection.
“I should start figuring out a method to build a business online that would allow me to live carefree with my own sense of security.” – Brian Garcia
Becoming a conscious creator means that as soon as you are gifted an IDEA, you are now ready to act on it even if you’re not sure what you need to do to make it happen. The Universe would not gift you with an idea that you were not ready to jump in head first to accomplish.
What It Takes To Start Living Carefree
To live carefree does not mean to live frivolously. Living carefree simply means that all your basic needs are met, which grants you the freedom to BE where you want, when you want.
When I had the IDEA that I wanted to travel & not have to clock in at a job, the decision I made consciously was that I should build a business online. This way, anywhere I had a WiFi connection, I’d be able to work on it.
Let’s be completely clear… We do not advocate spammy-scams, get-rich-quick by making money online schemes.
Our mentality is that you should be able to make money online by taking your creative talents and bringing value to someone else’s life.
This is the frontier of the online marketplace. Where we all have the advantage now is that there are easier ways of turning your knowledge into profit. Gone are the days where the normal person (like you and I) have to know how to program code into a computer to make it do things.
The Knowledge To Profit Method
Let’s go through the 3 Phases of The Knowledge To Profit Method together. Turn your idea into profit. Start building a business online so you can BE where you want, when you want & live your ideal carefree life.
Phase 1. Your Knowledge Has Value
We’ve all gone through life and most people have a passion for or really enjoy something. When you love something, you probably become really good at it and know more than the average bear.
This is where the value of your knowledge comes in. When you do a Google search about that knowledge, what comes up?
- Do you see Google Ads at the top of the search?
- Does Google Shopping results pop up?
- Are there Google Business Listings displaying in the Google Map?
- Did you discover some other blogs or websites talking about that same topic?
- How many searches are performed each month on that topic? (We use the free Keywords Everywhere Chrome Extension to figure this out)
The more you find, the better the chance that other people are already making money with that idea. This is GREAT because they have already proven the concept allowing you to slide right in to build the “Know, Love, Trust” factor with your audience.
Now that you know people are already looking for your topic, what could you charge for your knowledge?
Would you charge one flat fee for unlimited access?
Or could you have a monthly membership where you continue to get paid each month per member?
Take a look at what others are doing to see how you could set yourself apart to take your own unique spin on this.
Don’t worry if you don’t have the price down yet, we can explore that in more depth when you’re in the Tribe.
Phase 2. Packaging Your Knowledge
Now that you have developed a proof of concept (because you’ve found that there’s already money being made online from your idea), it’s time to start packaging your knowledge.
Once packaged and up for sale, this is called “Knowledge Commerce” which is just like eCommerce, but instead of offering physical products, you’re offering digital products based on your knowledge.
There are a few ways to package your knowledge.
- Audio
- Video
- The written word (eBooks, PDF Downloads)
- Structured full-scale digital courses
- Mini digital courses
- LIVE video calls
- 1-on-1 coaching
- Group coaching
Information is one of the best things to sell.
Get creative! You don’t have to offer every digital product variation. Pick ONE. Once you understand how to build that part & launch it, if needed you could start creating a component with another form of media.
Packaging your knowledge can be tricky. Back when we were starting BE Adventure Partners, we were searching all over Google trying to figure out what were the best WordPress Plugin combinations to build what would serve our audience best.
Erin and I ended up finding an All-In-One Knowledge Commerce Platform that connected all the dots.
Some of the important things we were looking for to make it all work EASILY without having to be a techy genius were:
- It had to be EASY
- We wanted it to be super user friendly (both for us & our clients/students)
- It must work on desktops, laptops & mobile devices
- The website must be secure to accept credit cards
- Whatever platform we use must have the ability to host video courses, PDFs & audio files
- All the marketing components necessary would need to be included like email autoresponder, pipelines/funnels, membership portal & community forum.
We searched for about six months & were comparing a few options. One day while we were getting ready at our hotel to fly out of Nicaragua an email notification popped up on my phone…
The email was an invitation to take a free trial on one of the platforms we were considering.
Both Erin & I watched the video followed by checking out the information on the platform and it all made sense. Kajabi, the all-in-one platform we use, has everything needed to turn your knowledge into profit. Take the platform for a spin. Using our link, you’ll get a free trial & a discount off the annual plan (we do the annual plan because it will save you money each year effectively putting money back in your pocket… Look at you, savvy entrepreneur!)
Phase 3: Live Life On Your Terms – Earn an Independent Living
Moving into the third phase is living carefree. This is life on your terms!
Most people try to skip straight to this phase. However, this phase is earned. You have to prove your idea as we saw in Phase 1 (you either prove it yourself if you’re breaking ground on something new or use other’s proof of concept).
There’s also Phase 2 where you package your knowledge into something that people can buy.
Only after you’ve completed these first two phases have you positioned yourself to start earning an independent living.
Now that you have something packaged and ready to sell, you can now start creating valuable content that people searching can find in the form of things like blog posts & YouTube videos.
When you build influence as the guide, your audience will begin to “Know, Love & Trust” you. What’s even more fascinating is as they grow an affinity for you, they feel comfortable doing things like giving you their email address for a free download and some of them will even take your offer by virtually swiping their credit card, paying you for what you’re offering…
CHA-CHING! You are now on your way to living carefree! Creating a life on your terms! Not having to worry about IF you’ll get laid off just like half my co-workers back before the Holidays in 2007.
Once you get to this phase, the one thing that keeps people from succeeding is that they quit just short of hitting the financial goals they need to live a carefree life. You’re not going to quit short of your goals, right?
When you have the right community in your corner, cheering you on, or even a place to get your questions answered, you’ll be well ahead of the others who try to figure it out on their own.
That’s why we created the Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs. So that when the going gets tough, or you just need to get your questions answered, the Tribe is there for you.
Get started with the Tribe Today. Begin turning your idea into profit. Before you know it, you’ll be able to earn an independent living so that you can BE where you want, when you want!
In Conclusion…
There are lessons to be learned from the wind which could empower you to living carefree. Regardless of what season you are in life, you have the power to make decisions and most importantly, take action on the decisions you make.
If you’re like most normal people (just like Erin & I) you would benefit from being associated with a community that has been through the wringer and made it out alive. Not just surviving but thriving. This is all because belief in yourself to absorb and apply what you experience is one of the key components of growth beyond what you previously thought was possible.
The Tribe is waiting for you. Join Today. Build a brighter tomorrow sooner.

Until Next Time!
Adventure On... Adventure On!
- Brian Garcia
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.