3 Key Factors to Building a Successful Online Business Easily

So let’s do this together & let you in on a few of the things we wish we knew when we got started. Lucky for you, we’ve already spent years testing things out & are letting you in on the results from our experiments, so you can see what works & what didn’t work as we started building our successful online business.
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1) Turn Your Idea Into An Irresistible Offer
It all starts with an idea that morphs into an irresistible offer. You know how one day you had this amazing idea that you want to travel the world, experience intriguing cultures, and taste the delicious delicacies of worldwide cuisines?
Then as they say “reality sets in” and you thought, “WTF! There’s no way I’ll be able to do this because I have no idea how to even make this a viable business online!”
My friend… You’re in the perfect spot because just by having the IDEA, you’re ready to start creating an irresistible offer that will help your audience!
Let’s begin doing some research together…
- What’s your idea?
- Have you Googled that idea? If so, what comes up?
- Who else already offers something similar?
- What is being sold? Products? Services?
By doing this little bit of research, you’re going to uncover a massive amount of information. THIS is exactly how to begin seeing if building a successful business online is going to be what allows you to create your own reality, intentionally, with purpose & gusto!
2) Creating A Brand Message That Speaks To Your Audience
Now that we’ve done some research together, and you’ve taken notes… (You took notes from the questions above, right?)
It’s time to create a brand message that speaks to your audience. Anyone who is building a successful online business since the birth of the internet knows that being clear with your message is an absolute must.
This is the lifeblood of your business – clarity.
Clarity is what attracts the perfect person to you… Someone who is looking for what it is that you have to offer! This is someone who is fortunate to find you & could potentially buy your products & services in the near future.
I can remember when we first started building our successful online business, BE Adventure Partners. The message wasn’t clear. We appeared to be a travel company who didn’t really have an offer. This caused people to just follow our pictures & videos we put up on our Facebook Business Page.
All this changed when we learned that people are drawn to clarity. We’ve had people say, “Shoot! I followed you for 6-8 months before I realized that you actually offered something!”
As soon as we became clear with our brand message, people immediately realized that they could join the Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs and learn how to build a business online. They saw that they would have access to all our PowerCourses that teaches you step-by-step how to get set up so that you can build a real, viable business online offering whatever product or service you want.
Now, people are getting results in their lives by building a successful business online. All because we changed our message and became super clear as to what you will get access to.
Your message must speak to your audience in a few different ways.
- Your message must appeal to their needs
- Your message must fulfill their desires
- Your message must blaze the trail for them to relieve pain, be the solution to their problem, and answer their questions
Write out these things & keep them close. As you are creating your business, you’ll use these in the content you create and on your website.
It’s these things that will let your audience know that you are speaking directly to them, which starts to create the “Know, Love, Trust” relationship, making them like you.
3) Building “Know, Love, Trust” Relationship
How effective would it be if you walked up to someone on the street and the first thing you said was, “Will you marry me?”
Ridiculous sounding… I know… But for a good point.
They would probably walk off & never give you the time of day, right?
This is just like starting a new business and sending people you don’t know on Facebook messages saying things like, “Do you keep your options open to make additional income on the side?” Or “I’ve got a ground floor opportunity for you to check out my products & services…”
People will block you, run from you and you’ll probably lose your friends (because you’ve probably sent them those types of pitches!)
I know this because it happened to me once.
Rest assured, there’s a way to get past it so that you’re not viewed a spammy A-Hole any longer AND people will come flocking to YOU (What a relief! Right?)
This is called building the “Know, Love, Trust” relationship. When you create goodwill with people, they start to know you.
The more you hang around, offering up valuable info that is created to help them out in a very specific way that applies to them, they’ll start to love you for it.
As time goes by, they’ll see the value you’ve been giving them and start to see that you have products and services that are in line with what your content has been helping them with.
They are now starting to trust you more and more each day.
You’ve built the relationship. Now and only now are they ready to do business with you.
Is it a slower process? Yep! At first… But as you build goodwill, you’re constantly planting seeds. As those seeds grow into a powerful tree, more seeds are sprouting all the time.
Before you know it, you’ll have a forest worth of people connecting with you at what seems to be a constant rate.
Some seeds will sprout faster than others. Some will be slow growers. Regardless, it’s the long-term effect you’re going for in the relationships you’re building.
In Conclusion…
These 3 Key Factors to Building a Successful Online Business Easily will amplify your life in a way you never conceived possible until now. This will give you a starting point to growing your business online so that you can intentionally create a life you’re excited about.
For continued support take the Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs on a test drive. Start your Trial today & be surrounded by a community that cares, the support you need to keep you in the game, and the eCourses specifically designed for you to create a simple business online so you can get to where you want to go in life, faster.
Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!
– Brian Garcia
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.
Love you guys! You guys are so awesome and your e-courses are so helpful! They are helping me get my business up and going!
So happy you are enjoying them and the BEAP eCourses are helping you get your online business up and running! It’s great having you in the Tribe, Lisa 🙂