Learn how to build a Skoolie from an old school bus into a tiny home on wheels. Follow our journey as we document how we purchased a school bus & convert it into our Skoolie, The BEAP Mobile.
Start Here: The School Bus Conversion Guide | Building a Tiny Home On Wheels »
Answering The Call to Live Differently | WHY Live In A School Bus?
It's a bold move to decide you are going to live differently than most. Since we started our...
Insulating & Installing Skoolie Subfloor | Smart & Simple Flooring Method
Insulating & installing a skoolie subfloor can seem like a daunting task because there are so...
The School Bus Conversion Guide | Building a Tiny Home On Wheels
Doing a school bus conversion is one of the most fulfilling yet challenging things that Erin and I...
DIY Polycarbonate Skylights For Tall Skoolie People
We can't say that we are the geniuses who came up with the idea to install polycarbonate skylights...
Why We Bought A Used School Bus In Phoenix, Arizona
After months of research, we decided to buy a used 22-year-old school bus in Phoenix for several...
Old School Buses For Sale In Ontario – What To Consider Before You Buy
As you start scrolling through the handful of sites with old school buses for sale in Ontario,...

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