Is Starting A Business With Your Spouse A Good Idea?

Do you think it is? Let us know in the comments at the end of the post!
It’s time to explore if starting a business with your spouse is something that should be done (or if you should be on a solo mission.)
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Mutual Support
There’s nothing that screams LOVE more than not supporting your partner through their growth.
Imagine having the dream to start your own business online so that one day you’d be able to quit your job and travel the world (with your spouse).
Then one day, you take the leap! You say, “Hey [SPOUSE]! We should start a business online so that in the future we can travel the world (once it makes some cash, of course!)”
You’re met with a dreadful eye, sarcasm, and a ton of doubt, “You have no idea how to create a business online… Don’t waste your time & money doing that.”
There’s nothing worse than a lack of support from your partner when it comes to your dreams & aspirations.
Erin and I believe in each other’s dreams & support each other emotionally through achieving them.
When you have a partner, who is mutually supportive of what you want to create, they will most likely want to join in. This mutual contribution will increase your connection with each other, along with enhancing your ability to collaborate.
Mutual support is definitely a perk when it comes to starting a business with your spouse, and it will make it a less stressful situation when they are on board!
Complementary Personalities & Ability To Collaborate
Opposites attract. And when it comes to starting a business with your spouse, these differences can be a powerful combination.
For Erin & I, we both work well when we divide out tasks by what it is we enjoy doing. There’s definitely overlap in our abilities and in those cases, we rotate who does what so that we’re always doing something different (this way nothing becomes repetitive).
Our personalities are complimentary. Erin is super creative and a visionary while I’m more of a systems-oriented type of person.
With our differences comes the ability to collaborate on projects. This allows us to come up with cool topics & ideas, then we both can contribute with ideas on a project’s direction and how to best systematize it so that we can leverage the power of the internet.
If you have been thinking about starting a business with your spouse and are not sure if it’s a good idea because of personality differences, it could be better than you think!
Get It Done Exercise:
- Write out two identical lists of everything you’d be doing in your online business.
- Then, you each check off everything you like to do individually (be honest with your answers).
- Afterward, come together to compare your answers.
See where there is overlap. Now, you’ve got a great starting point for the division of the tasks necessary to start a business with your spouse.
Work Ethic
You don’t have to be a workaholic to consider starting a business with your spouse. BUT you do need to have some sort of work ethic.
While having an online business and traveling the world sounds really glamorous (because it is), there’s still a side of it that most entrepreneurs don’t talk about – Getting shit done!
An online business takes work. There’s no such thing as a get-rich-quick type of business that’s worth working towards.
The simplest style of business that we’ve found to work extremely well, with the least amount of overhead, and one that you can start either by yourself (or with your spouse) is a digital business.
This information product style of business is probably the least “work” intensive because you don’t have to warehouse products, worry about shipping, handling & returns, and you can start it yourself without any employees.
What’s cool is that if you both are OK with working more at the beginning of your online business, you can knock out recording eCourses, writing some eBooks, filming some videos, recording some audio, or even hosting live digital events fairly quickly from your start.
There’s some really simple to use all-in-one online tools we recommend that allow you to build an information product style business from your home, on a train, in a plane, on the beach, or even on the street. All you need is a WiFi connection, a laptop, and a smartphone to start your online business together.
Put in the time now to reap the long-term rewards later! It’s soooo worth it!
What happens if you break up?
If breaking up with your partner is at the forefront of your mind, then starting a business with your spouse is NOT a good idea.
What you focus on becomes your reality.
But things do happen.
Just like Jack & Jill ran up the hill. If you’re like Jack in this rhyme, and you fell down, what documents do you have in place for when you pass away?
It’s a great idea when starting an online business with your spouse to have some sort of agreement put into place.
Now… We’re not lawyers… And this advice should not be substituted for your legal counsel… BUT you should definitely have an agreement written out of some sort. You can do this on a napkin, a Post-It Note (probably one of those HUGE ones), or even a digital document that you both eSign. OR you can hire a business attorney to interview you so (s)he can draft up an official agreement (this is the route we took).
Regardless, it’s great to be on the same page when it comes to expectations for funding the business, who owns what, percentage of ownership, and so that you both are protected if something crazy happens (like the cage to the shark tank you’re scuba diving in fails, and the great whites decide to take a bite).
If you’re thinking about “What if we break up…” Don’t even consider starting a business with your spouse because that’s not a winner’s mindset.
Same Vision
Before we even met, we both had the idea that it would be so cool to travel the world and run a simple business online. In the formative beginning, we thought that this online business would be one that helps people in some way and would be very empowering.
Then it happened.
For both Erin and myself, experiencing yet another failed relationship, we were on our own to find a new path.
That determination contributed to igniting our sole purpose and then we met in a small online community of entrepreneurs from around the globe. After a couple of months of becoming good friends online, we found that individually we had the same vision.
We clicked! The fire started to burn bright within us that we were going to fuse our visions of the future together, and lock arms!
At first, we didn’t know that it was going to turn into the brand, BE Adventure Partners. People had asked who we were to each other. Read more about Our Story »
The vision grew brighter as the days went on.
We both wanted to travel.
We both wanted to earn an independent living.
We both wanted to create a simple online business.
And most importantly… We both wanted to be a positive influence in society showing that there is such a thing as a healthy relationship and no matter who you are, there should be a resource to remove the roadblocks to creating a business online around your knowledge and ideas.
That’s how BE Adventure Partners got started.
In the last couple of years, since April 2017, we’ve been traveling full-time all-over Central America, filming our eCourses, and spreading our message of empowerment to couples across the internet.
If you’re the type that is ready to make a difference in your life so that you can make a difference in other’s lives… Then starting a business with your spouse is not just a good idea… It’s a great idea! The longer you wait, the longer it’ll take for you to get in front of others who are looking for what you could offer.
In Conclusion
Starting a business online with your spouse is not for all couples. It is only for partners who believe in themselves, their relationship together, and that they have knowledge that could help others in some way. It’s easier than you think to launch your business online! We look forward to sharing with you the eCourses we create that will walk you through getting set up. You’ll also get access to the community & support couple-preneurs need to keep gas in the tank for when the going gets tough. Take charge & take the leap together! A year from now, you’ll be glad you did! We believe in you!
Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!
– Brian Garcia
Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.