Simple Steps To Building A Strong Relationship

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Building a strong relationship with your audience can be done in just 3 simple steps.
The first thing to understand when building a relationship with your audience is that they are out there looking for answers to their problems, solutions to their pains, or for something to fulfill their desires. The crazy thing is most small businesses miss the mark and go straight to the punch. “BUY my product!” “Get my service!” “Get this hot deal!” Yelling at the world with a megaphone without doing these very simple steps to building a strong relationship with their audience.
NOW… If this is you, please do not feel bad. We missed the mark in our early days too! Heck, I went for 2 whole years before I started to figure this out. When we first got started in business Brian + I both went for the jugular… Not literally… But seriously we wasted a lot of time and precious start-up dollars on advertising that just didn’t work.
While Brian was promoting how to get deals on electricity all over his Facebook Profile… I was running around my neighborhood with pricey, glossy flyers posting them on hydro poles, bathroom stalls, car windows, and stuffing them into people’s mailboxes.
What we are about to share with you is going to save you A LOT of time, money, and humiliation with your family & friends… Who may think you have gone bonkers, and don’t understand why you’re running around littering the neighborhood or spamming them with deals on social media.
Let them into your world.
This is a bold move, but a really smart one! When you share your story with your audience… BE vulnerable, and let them into your world… This makes you relatable. Think of it this way. When your audience stumbles across your brand they may not think they are on the same level as you. One of the keywords here is the brand… (BEcause when you brand yourself, or an idea… You are an instant authority in the eyes of your audience)
Once you build your brand, discover your mission, and who you want to help… The message you want to share with your audience becomes more clear.
You offer health & wellness products.
Instead of plastering posters all over your neighborhood like I did, or spamming your Facebook Profile, scaring away all your friends & family… Give this a go.
Think about your health & wellness story. What inspired you to share these products with the world? Do you have a story? Likely. If you don’t do you know someone else who has used these products before and got awesome results?
The health & wellness journey is a powerful one, especially when you share. You likely have a wild story that you can tell people about how tough it was to be overweight, have bad skin, or what it was like to have a sickness. Illness and ailments affect people in soo many aspects of their lives. Could you tug on their heartstrings with your story of feeling rejected by people you were attracted to? Or maybe a story about not having the confidence to take action in your life because you were embarrassed by your acne? What about how hard it was to be so stressed, you couldn’t sleep at night?
Stories like this let people into your life and build an intense bond.
I know when I started my own personal blog for my first business, and I started talking about how personal development helped me quit drugs, leave a relationship that didn’t align with my core values, and find my voice so I could do what made my heart sing. People started reaching out to me, telling me that I was helping them. I was blown away! I couldn’t believe I was inspiring people to change their lives. I was educating them, giving them tools they could use to make better decisions in their lives.
What could you share with your audience or future audience that could let them step into your world building a strong, unbreakable relationship?
Provide them with value.
Yet another thing a lot of small business owners screw up, and so did we… No worries, this is an easy fix, that anyone can do. Offering value-based content on a consistent basis that helps your audience is key! When you keep showing up, educating them, entertaining them, or inspiring them to make changes in their life you start to create an audience that loves you.
Let’s face it… People love free stuff! Could you create a short video series, an eBook, or an infographic that could help someone out? Could you give them a small win or a step-by-step guide to get some kind of result in their life?
Like the Jump Start Your Life Toolkit we made for you below… (Wink Wink… See what I did there?)
Think about where your customers or clients are when they bump into you. They are searching for answers, pain relievers, or things that make them happy. Which means they are likely unhappy with what they have and are at the beginning of their customer journey with you. They might not yet know that what you have could help them, or change their lives in some kind of way. This also means they likely don’t know the inside language or terms that a pro like you would know. So keeping that in mind… (Learn more about the customer journey HERE)
Could you educate them?
Could you invite them into your world, and show them the path to what they want?
When you provide people with value you are building one of the MOST key steps to a strong relationship. This is essential for your customer journey. Meet them where they are at, and take them by the hand step-by-step. You so got this!
BEcome their go-to person.
This is really the result of you letting them into your world, and giving them the awesome value that they can keep coming back to. That is why consistency is key. Though you may not know it, people are lurking in the shadows looking forward to the content you share. We always say quality over quantity… So sticking to a consistent weekly schedule helps people know when they can find you, so they can follow you like they would any Guru!
As an example, we publish our Blog Posts & YouTube Videos every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
Just think about anyone you have got into on social media. Maybe it is someone that makes you laugh when you were just crying. Maybe it is someone that gave you the inside scoop that no one else is sharing… You know that person! Now think about what you did when you came across their content.
You likely thought… “Where the heck have you been all my life, and why haven’t I bumped into you sooner?
THEN you binge-watch all their videos, find them on Facebook & Insta, and read all of their content on their blog. After that, you download all of their freebies, and nearly die waiting for them to come out with something new. LOL, am I right? Heck ya, I am… Not to be right or anything… Just giving you an example of what we do when we find someone sharing valuable information, or dishing out those tingly feel-good-vibes.
Here’s where things get really sweet. After they start to really love you and follow your content on the regular… They will start to invest in your products & services, AND share them with their friends & family. The quicker you can build the know, love, and trust relationship… The faster you will move towards building a strong relationship, just because you followed these simple steps.
If you want help in speeding up this process to building an awesomely strong relationship with your audience and turn them into customers faster… Check out the BEAP Tribe where we help couples (& people) escape the box of society, and build an awesome business that they love. If you are ready to really dial in your message and become the go-to-authority for your audience we are happy to help, and can’t wait to see you in the Tribe!
Oh ya… And if you have questions or comments about the steps to building a strong relationship with your audience go ahead and share in the comments below! You could even share this with your friends & family if you think it would help them, cuz sharing is caring at its finest.
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.