Up Your Video Quality – Filmmaking Tips For YouTube & Social Media

Video is the ultimate way to reach your audience online, and build a business that is memorable. You just need a few filmmaking tips to get started.
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This realization changed the course of our business…
After 2 years of going LIVE on Facebook, producing videos, creating posts, and spending over $20,000 on advertising… We had an epiphany! All the hard work we were putting into the Facebook machine would never allow us to be found on Google. Sure our business page will come up, but the content we were creating would be lost in the newsfeed after a short few hours.
Though we had gotten a decent return on our Facebook efforts… The return wasn’t as big as we had hoped. YES it allowed us to quit our jobs for good, travel the world full-time, and BE together… BUT we knew from our peers & leaders in the online space that we could be earning much more.
That’s when we made the shift
Realizing we needed to reallocate our energy, we started recording videos specifically for YouTube. It was the same type of content that we were doing on Facebook. Which was us sitting in our Airbnb, teaching couples how to build a business online, or how to get your mind in a good space so you can build a business together… Nothing fancy. People in the industry call this style of video “talking heads”.
We didn’t know our “talking head” videos were boring… Until…
We started diving into videography tips online and investing in an eCourse by one of the biggest YouTube teachers online. A few months before that we had a quick Adobe Premiere lesson with Brian’s brother Daniel, so we could start editing our videos with professional software instead of iMovie. (NOT that there’s anything wrong with iMovie, it is a great launching pad for new video creators.)
Daniel has filmed documentaries, and produces live TV shows so he is now our go to guy when it comes to capturing & editing beautiful film! He mentioned that talking head stuff is boring, and that brands who do really well on YouTube use b-roll to make their videos more interesting. Quite frankly… I was kind of insulted. I thought we were doing awesome, especially after all the feedback we were getting from our followers on Facebook. In our defense we didn’t know any better, because that is what we had learned from many of our mentors & peers.
The next big eye opener was when our YouTube Channel was up for review during an eCourse we were taking with Tim Schmoyer called Video Labs. We had already read his book 30 Days To A Better YouTube Channel which is a requirement for his eCourse, so we had already set up the bones of our channel, and were creating more of our talking head videos. We were the first out of an intimate group of 20 to BE reviewed.
Let the beating begin…
First of all we took a beating. To sum it up, they said we were boring, our educational videos were too long, and people wanted to actually see us BEing Adventure Partners. At first it was really hard to hear because when you are building a business online, it becomes your baby. BUT neither of us regret taking part in Video Labs, because our channel review brought us clarity, and opened us up to a whole new creative world that we didn’t even know existed in the YouTube space… Lucky us, and YOU! Wouldn’t you want to let your creativity shine? I know we sure do…
So what kind of videography tips did we implement to up our video game…
Research, research, research! We searched high and low for others out there doing something similar to what we were doing. At first we didn’t find much, but as we looked we found that there were couple-preneurs out there kind of like us.
This is where you really need to start to pay attention, because this is how we found OUR place in the YouTube world, and it could very well be how you find YOUR place in the YouTube world too. The more we researched the more we discovered what was already being done, and what was missing. If you want to find your “unique selling proposition” or the thing that defines you in your space online… You MUST search around to see what is already out there.
BE inspired by your rivals, and borrow their filmmaking techniques…
Honestly, we don’t like thinking about competition in a negative way. Competition can be one of the most positive things for your business because it will help you open your eyes to other businesses like yours, plus step up your game. Think of it this way… It isn’t about being the best, or beating your competition. There is enough out there for all of us to win. It’s about your business serving people in a way that only you & your company can serve them. This is done by creating quality products, and performing quality services that stand out.
By learning videography tips that enhance your brand, you will BE sure to stand out from the crowd. Not a lot of small businesses do this. Usually it is left to the big brands. Thus why observing how others run their business is one of the biggest keys to your success as a couple-preneur online. If you see your rivals doing attention grabbing videography techniques, why not take that style, and make it your own? OR BE the only ones in your space, showcasing what you really do that is so different.
Our biggest filmmaking takeaways & tips…
Furthermore, after working with Brian’s brother Daniel Sorbera & Tim Schmoyer, we realized it was time to step up our game and have a lot more fun with filmmaking!
Here we are, traveling the world full-time, but not sharing our footage because we thought people just wanted to know how to build a biz so they could BE where they want, when they want too. Gosh, we were WRONG. People need proof that what you say you can help them with is real! So don’t be afraid to share the behind the scenes, real-life stuff! Entertaining people is just as valuable, as educating them. (We learned that the hard way… But its all good!) Mix it up, and learn how to blend your message with content that is fun!
Even if the type of content you share is “boring”, find a way to give visual examples using b-roll. All this means is show examples of what you are talking about by doing a screen share on your computer or share footage of whatever it is you are talking about. When things are moving on the screen often people will stay more engaged, rather than just being a talking head like we used to do.
BE yourself! People want to engage with real people who are like them. So don’t pretend you are someone else! Let that personality of yours shine!
Keep your videos short & sweet until you start to grow a following. Filming quality videos, over long drawn out videos are always better, in contrast to long boring content. Remember, people have VERY short attention spans in the online space. So you want to make your videos short & interesting.
Make sure you are using quality, high-resolution thumbnails, that catch the eye. Observe what others are doing, and what stands out to you. Modeling others is a great way to get started, but don’t copy for the reason that you want to BE unique so you stand out.
Use a catchy title! You want people to see the title when they search and say… “YES! This is for me!”
Filmmaking v.s. just throwing videos up on social media…
Really give a good think about what grabs your attention on social media, and start to plan how you can implement that kind of filmmaking into what you do using these tips. Guess what?! You don’t need to BE a pro or have the best filming gear. Shoot we started recording video for our business on our phones and grew a business that set us free doing “boring talking head” videos.
We don’t want you to flounder around and waste your time as we did. We want you to catch the right people’s attention, who are already looking for what you offer BEcause an online business is nothing without people. You can learn exactly how to start filmmaking like a pro with Daniel Sorbera’s tips, in our eCourse Get Your Video On. (Which will be out early 2019! YAY)
With your membership to the BEAP Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs you can get full access to Get Your Video On the moment it is released, along with ALL of our other eCourses. Can’t wait to see what you create with the cutting edge filmmaking tips in Get Your Video On! See you in the Tribe!
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Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.