What Is Personal Development & Why Is It Important

If you are game to start making big changes in your life, stick with us, do the exercises, and start soaking up the benefits of personal development today!
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How personal development could change your life…
Years ago when I dove headfirst into my online business in personal development (after being a hairstylist for 11 years), people thought I was crazy! Not only because of the fact that I planned on leaving my full-time job as a stylist & a HUGE clientele, but also the fact that my new chosen career path was in personal development. People didn’t get it. From the feedback I got, most people thought it was a waste of time, or they thought deep thinking was for suckers.
If this is you… I don’t blame you! To be honest, once you dive into personal development, it’s a journey! For some, a lifelong journey. The awesome part is, it forces you to take a look at where you are, understand why you’re there, and then use your will power to make decisions that help you transform your reality.
Diving into personal development is the best thing I have ever done for myself because it has led me to create a life that I genuinely love. I quit binge drinking, doing drugs, and left a relationship that I was no longer in alignment with. I started REALLY taking care of my body, mind, and spirit so I could raise my vibration (and stop being so damn depressed!)
Then I started sharing my truth with the world through my original blog (which lead me to the love of my life Brian). BEcause I wasn’t the most tech-savvy gal when I started blogging, and this handsome devil was happy to help!
Are you ready to learn what personal development is, and why it is important for transforming your life?
The magic comes from the questions we ask ourselves. As we start asking smarter more defined questions that don’t contradict the results we want… Shifts start to happen!
A few examples of contradictory questions:
- Why can’t I do this?
- Why me?
- How come that person is making so much money, and I am barely getting by?
- Why am I always stuck in crappy situations?
- Is this ever going to end?
See how these kinds of questions can stop us in our tracks? As a human being, living with an ego sitting on our shoulder… We will likely always have that jerk voice of doubt asking questions that limit us. BUT I want to share with you the power of silencing that little jerk and changing those questions. I will be the first to admit, after YEARS of studying personal development… That little jerk still pokes at me, but I have eliminated it in most aspects of my life. The area that still trips me up is how I feel about my body. (Which I will be sharing much more about in other posts because I think it’s important.) Shitty questions will still come up for me… Like: “Why does everything I eat turn into fat?” YIKES! Questions like that turn food into fat instantly… I swear. SOOoO this is how you catch yourself in the middle of an ugly question.
Use more empowering questions:
- What do I need to learn to get the results I want?
- What actions do I need to take each day to make this happen?
- How can I boost my energy?
- Where can I find a mentor who is already doing what I want to do, so I can model them?
MmmMMmmmm don’t those questions feel soooo much better? This is a practice! It’s not going to happen overnight. Like I said… I still struggle with crappy questions coming up. BUT the magic happens when you catch yourself being cruel to yourself, and then change the question to a more empowering one! (Show that little ego jerk who’s boss!)
For instance… When it came to me quitting drugs, I was sick of asking myself why I was so depressed! I wanted to feel alive, vibrant, and full of energy! I wanted to feel authentic in the message I was “trying” to deliver to my audience online, and getting blasted on weekends wasn’t doing it for me anymore.
I want to share with you the questions that changed my life, and I wish from the bottom of my heart if you are feeling stuck in any aspect of your life, that you take the time to sit with these questions & have a good think. It’s time to grab your favorite journal, a comfy quiet space, put on some feel-good jams, and write until your beautiful heart is content. This is the work, and what it takes to change your life. (Read more about the Benefits Journaling Can Bring HERE)
Diving into yourself, and what you truly want…
This isn’t a one-time activity! It’s a practice. These types of questions are the type of questions you want to keep coming back to daily, monthly, quarterly, and annually so you can check in with how you feel.
Questions to ask yourself often:
- How do I want to feel in my mind, body, and soul?
- What makes my heart sing?
- What do I want more of in my life?
- Who do I spend the most time with?
- Do they add happiness & positivity into my life, or do I let them take it away?
- What do I want to create?
- What do I want to learn?
- What do I want my days to REALLY look & feel like?
- Where do I want to be?
- What do I want to have?
- What kind of person do I want to be?
- How do I want to contribute?
- What are my biggest goals in my life, relationship, and business? (If you have a biz, or want one.)
- Who must I become to accomplish my biggest goals?
- What is stopping me from creating the life I want?
- What am I willing to give up to change the course of my life?
I know this is a lot of questions, and you can certainly slim them down to questions that fit your life where you are right now. BUT I wanted to give you ALL of the questions I asked myself when I shifted the course of my life.
Incredible things happen when you shift your mindset and start getting real with yourself. If you can go through these questions, and set the BS excuses aside you could start seeing immediate shifts in your energy, and start attracting what you really want into your life experience.
Soak up the benefits of personal development, and reach your goals sooner…
We actually created an entire eCourse called Get Your Goals On. It is a more in depth version of the exercise we just went through together. This will give you the chance to sponge up the wisdom Brian + I use to live our lives on purpose, quit our jobs forever, and create a magical relationship together. Know what’s crazy… When you join our Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs, you will get full access to Get Your Goals On, along with ALL of our other PowerCourses. SO you can create a life, relationship, and business you are excited about.
We can’t wait to have you in the Tribe, and help you create the positive shifts in your life that you are hoping for!
Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.