Start Making Decisions On A Dime

Successful people are making decisions on a dime!
If you are constantly sitting there humming and hawing over a big idea that you have been sitting on… You may be finding yourself in analysis paralysis. Learn how to empower yourself! In this article, you are going to learn exactly how 6, 7, +8 Figure Earners are making decisions on a dime, that have lead them to incredible success!
We have gone to live workshops, cruises, dinners, events, and spent countless hours on training with people who have created super successful businesses online. We have been compiling their tips + tricks, but the thing that stood out the most to us is their ability in making decisions on a dime! This is certainly a common theme in all determined leaders!
So… How does one start making decisions on a dime?
Practice Making Decisions On A Dime!
Start with small things! When you are out for dinner, look at the menu, and make a decision right away! If you’re staring at that menu too long, you start to second guess yourself. This actually sends a message to the brain saying you don’t trust yourself. Practicing making decisions fast is the key to getting that ball rolling in your preferred direction! You want to become quick in your thoughts! There is no time for second-guessing when you are creating a multi-million dollar company! Quick decisions are the key to keeping that momentum going!
Know What YOU Want!
Learn to BE laser-focused on what you want! Narrow in on your goals, your vision for yourself, your passion! Without having a target to shoot at you will hit nothing, and life will stay the same. Once you empower yourself and start making decisions that resonate with your soul you become a new version of you!
You start becoming your authentic self!
Your authentic self is quick on the toes! Your authentic self goes with that feeling in your gut! You make sharper more educated decisions because you have already begun to pave the way by knowing what you want!
A few quick questions:
- How does your happiest, most empowered self look? Feel?
- What does the best version of you do on a daily basis to achieve this vibe?
- What habits or behaviors are you willing to ditch to achieve this feeling?
- What do you want to achieve?
- What does your life look like as you start accomplishing these things?
Know yourself! That is your first step! The vision will carry you through day to day! The vision is what keeps you on track of accomplishing the things you need. You become dedicated to it because you are committed to creating something that excites you!
Getting In Touch With Your Intuition Helps In Making Decisions On A Dime!
The result of getting to know yourself is a stronger intuition! We get an idea to do something… It makes us excited! It makes us feel a little more alive! That is your beautiful intuition speaking to you! Calling you into action towards your authentic self! Your happiest, most vital version of you!
If you are struggling to hear that voice in you… Consider taking up meditation! We LOVE Deepak Chopra and Abraham Hicks! These two resources alone have changed our perspective of ourselves, and what is possible for us to achieve. Meditation helps you get out of your own way, and help you find the courage in yourself to create more love + abundance.
When you have troubling things come into your life, consider them as gifts! The Universe would not deal you something you cannot handle! It would also not give you these challenges if there wasn’t a lesson to be learned and a beautiful reward on the other side of overcoming that challenge!
That is usually the moment an idea is sparked! You see the light at the end of the tunnel! You feel the tug of conformity soften, and you have your mind set on change! You want to BE different! You want your life to BE different!
When you use your intuition… You don’t let limiting beliefs get in the way of your idea, because you know that if you follow your gut, and start making decisions that empower you… INSTEAD of hinder your results, or get in the way of your goals… You will be set free from your circumstances!
Get Educated On What You Want To Achieve!
SO… You have thought about what it is you want… It is time to start doing the research! Who on earth has done the thing you want to do?
Before we even knew each other… Brian + I both took a look at people in our lives who were getting the specific results we wanted! We both knew someone who was blogging, creating videos, building an incredible following in their businesses. We both reached out to those people, and asked them what skills they needed to create such success!
Within 10 months we have created an incredible following on social media, and built a business online that allowed Brian to quit his job! (I quit a couples years ago) Now we are able to be location independent, and travel the world full time! All because we learned new skills that empowered us in making decisions stronger than ever before!
If you have an idea, a passion, a vision of something you want to create, but you are unsure of how to put it into action… We invite you to jump in the Tribe, so we can help unveil your possibilities so you can start making decisions that will lead you to your success!
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.