5 Ways To Simplify Your Business Strategy & Increase Profit

If you’ve been struggling in your online business, there’s a high chance that what you’re doing in your business strategy can be to blame (and if we’re pointing fingers, it’s not your fault that your business strategy didn’t work like it did for others!)
Did you know that 8 out of 10 business strategies are overly complicated? This leads to frustration, overwhelm, and being overworked while underpaid.
Let’s flip the script on overcomplication and increase profitability while decreasing complexity through simplicity.
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1. Get A Bird’s Eye View of Your Business
“When in doubt, zoom out. The problem is never as bad as you think, even if you think it is…”
– Reggie Watts
When your business is feeling like it’s overbearing, simplify your business strategy by getting a bird’s eye view.
Look at every aspect of your business.
- What are you doing?
- What is your team doing?
- What actions bring in revenue & which ones are not?
- What are you spending money on in your business?
By zooming out, answering the above questions will give you a great starting point. You’ll be able to see what’s working & what’s not.
2. Focus On What’s Important
“Your energy flows to where your attention goes.”
– Dandapani
After assessing your business & getting the bird’s eye view, you’ll start to see what is important for your business online.
I can remember when we first started our business online, our focus was torn because we thought we had to be on EVERY social media channel.
If you’ve ever been there, you know how it feels to NOT have enough time in the day to use each channel in the way that it is intended.
Start to look at your business & see what you can release to your team. Focus on the vision of your company so that you can help keep the customer journey alive by painting a picture of where you are taking them.
I know that when starting out, bootstrapping the online business was the only way to do it. That can be a low overhead cost way of building your business. But at some point, your time is worth more than the cost of outsourcing or building a team to simplify your business strategy.
This will allow you to focus on what’s truly important for you while allowing your team to work on the things that still need to be done, but not by you.
3. Eliminate Unnecessary Overlap
When it comes to simplifying your business, there’s an app or software for everything you need. What can seem like an endless number of components introduces the potential for overlap.
In September 2018, we were on a video call with one of our Tribe Members going over some potential avenues for her online business.
Her idea was to create a business online that she could offer eCourses for her niche. This is brilliant because it’s one of the lowest overhead costs for an online business.
After going over the components on a spreadsheet, we realized that we used ALL of the things she was going to use…
What was the kicker is that ALL of the components lived in ONE of the platforms we use for our eCourse membership site.
This blew our minds!
Over the next two days, we consolidated the tools we were using into the all-in-one platform, Kajabi, which ended up saving us $7,650 USD over the next year.
Why is it that we were using so many different apps & platforms which all had a cost associated with them?
Because, when we started our business, we were building it one piece at a time with no definite plan of WHAT we wanted the end product to be.
This just goes to show, that when people are in the Tribe & have an idea for a business, we’re able to ask some very good questions to help them get started faster, for fewer startup costs (because businesses DO cost money to start… But keeping the costs down to less than a couple hundred bucks a month is ESSENTIAL to your survival until you get some cash flowing in.)
Eliminating the overlap in the functionality of platforms will save you big!
4. Observe Your Personal Habits
In a meditation & personal development video we watched from Dandapani, he explained that when you raise yourself up, others around you will be lifted up as well.
The example he gave is to layout a handkerchief. Put yourself in the middle. Place your family, friends, and acquaintances on the outer edge. As you lift yourself up in the middle, the edges of the handkerchief will naturally start to rise the higher you go.
By observing your personal habits, you can lift yourself up.
Personal habits include immersing yourself in personal development books & audios, taking time to exercise, eat a healthy diet, and hydrate yourself with clean water.
As you take care of yourself, you will naturally start to feel better in yourself and that will radiate out to those around you.
You may be wondering how this pertains to simplifying your business strategy… Well… YOU are most likely a major component of your business. The better YOU feel, the more driven you’ll be to be of value to those around you.
Go out and BE good to yourself!
5. Commit To A Simpler Business Strategy
If you build your business and it feels complicated, there’s one of two things going on.
ONE: You’re building your business in a complicated way.
TWO: You haven’t learned what all the different tools are, and which ones you actually need
So… How do you know if your business feels complicated & you need a simpler business strategy?
If you’re not wanting to show up to your business… It’s probably too complicated…
If you’re not sure how to do things in your business… It may be too complicated…
If nothing seems to be working correctly… Your business strategy may be too complicated…
Could you fix this?
Erin and I were running our business for TWO YEARS with a bunch of hacked together components.
We had a system we were using for funnel pages over here…
There were opt-in form plugins over there…
The webinar platform we were using was on its own system…
Our email service provider was separate…
We had them all connected together with a third-party tool that connects things online…
It was super complicated and confusing to piece together.
It worked though… kind of… But it was complicated.
This came back to the idea that you should simplify your business strategy.
We knew that in order to run more efficiently, we had to commit to operating simpler. There’s no reason why your business online should be complicated, yet we were intentionally running it that way.
As soon as we streamlined our business into using just Kajabi as our marketing platform, eCourse platform, autoresponder for email, membership & affiliate site, and shopping cart, everything became instantaneously simpler.
Because we wanted a system that works all-in-one so that we no longer had to hack it all together.
This will free up your mind because you are no longer wondering if your systems are working correctly, or if one system has an update that is not compatible with another system and then it just stops working.
When you simplify your business strategy you want peace of mind that what you’re putting your effort towards is income-producing AND, more importantly, is serving your audience.
In Conclusion
Something to live by… When things get hectic, simplify your business. If you’re confused by your business strategy, simplify your business. The more you move towards simplicity, the closer you get to the clarity of purpose so that you are never in a position where you’re banging your head against the wall because things got too complicated. Simplicity equals long-term sanity & profitability.
Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!
– Brian Garcia
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.