How To Find Your Tribe & Launch Your Online Business

by | Online Business

Today, let’s explore how to find your tribe to launch your online business so that you get the consistent community & support you need to keep your head in the game.

Building a business online can be a lonely adventure because you can do it from the comfort of your home or while on the go traveling non-stop (like us).

What’s cool is that you can launch an online business from your laptop and reach millions of people around the globe with a few keystrokes, a laptop, and a definite plan.

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Why Do You Need A Tribe?

There’s a reason why new (and veteran) entrepreneurs are members of a Tribe: It’s too easy to quit on your dreams before you’ve gotten to your destination.

A Tribe is a safe place of individuals or couples all on a similar mission.

Think about how packs of lions work together to survive. Alone, could they make it? Sure, but it is more difficult. What lions have learned, is that when you work together, as a pride, you can accomplish bigger tasks, faster, with each other’s help.

The same rings true in the “human” world. Tribes have been around for as long as there has been breath in the lungs.

People have discovered that they can learn faster, grow stronger, and have the support they need when they surround themselves with others who are on a similar mission.

An Entrepreneurial Tribe is where people band together to help each other grow in mindset, skills, and belief in oneself that you have the potential within yourself to achieve amazing things (even if you don’t know what you’re doing to start!)


When you have questions, a Tribe is exactly where you can go to get them answered. Think of a Tribe (in the modern age) as a community for support filled with positive vibes and leaders helping newer members get from point A to point B, then from B to C…

So, could you survive without a Tribe?

Yes, but there’s strength in numbers, and you could learn something in the Tribe that may help you get to where you want to go faster, without having to try to figure it all out on your own (which may take longer & cause more frustration, leading to a higher chance of quitting on your dreams.)


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What Type of Tribe Do You Need?

The type of Tribe you’re a part of depends on the goals you’re wanting to achieve.

If it is a fitness goal, there are all sorts of online & in-person programs available where you can go BE a member of a workout group.

If you have a personal development goal, there are online & in-person groups where people open up and share what’s going on so that everyone can contribute to each member’s growth.

If you’re building an online business, there are groups that are specialized in different aspects of online business. You’ll see groups working on ads & marketing, other groups may be focused on design & content creation, while even other groups may focus on strategies to grow & scale online businesses.

Besides finding a niche-specific group, consider the options of FREE vs PAID Groups.

We’ve been part of both types of communities, and here’s what we’ve found.

FREE GROUPS are nice when you get started because the members all contribute to adding value to the group in some way. The problem with free groups is that the quality of the content can be questionable.

Where’s the advice coming from?
Is the content in the group targeted to the growth your looking for?
Does the group have a leader who offers a paid group?

Often, free groups are created to “wet the palate” of aspiring entrepreneurs.

They are the perfect launching point for a paid group.

Now, not to say free groups are not helpful, because they are. We’ve been members of several, and the one thing we’ve found to bridge the gap of how to get specific results faster was to BE part of a PAID GROUP.

You don’t need to be part of a million-ka-zillion groups – that’s actually a terrible idea, especially if they all mentor on similar topics.

The best-paid groups that we’ve ever been members of have been very specific to a result we’ve wanted to accomplish at that time.

The reason that paid groups have been such a huge help is that the content, the leaders, and the community are all somewhere ahead of you (not light years…) and on the same page.

Finding groups that have a LIVE component to them is essential as well. This can be in the form of a weekly mastermind, maybe a video conference call, or even a traditional “phone” call (nearly obsolete, right? Especially when there are video calls, which are so much more fun!)

Other features groups may have are access to eCourses, members-only content, or perks that will help you in your growth.

Paid groups usually charge either a monthly “membership” fee or you can get a deal for committing to the annual plans (we’ve been part of & offer both).

Regardless of the type of group you are gunning for, just keep in mind that you want to be targeted with the results you’re wanting to achieve. Also, make sure that the group can help compress time or the “learning curve” so you can get to your goals, faster!

BE Adventure Partners Tribe

How to Find Your Tribe

Because you’re reading this right now, I’m going to guess that you’re looking for a Tribe that could help you grow in yourself & your business online. Which is great!

It’s awesome to see that you’re looking into how to find your tribe! And by now, you know it’s not a one-size-fits-all sort of thing (at least, in the groups we’ve been members of, it hasn’t been!)

The best way to find a Tribe is to figure out what would your goal be as a member?

Grow in your life?
Grow in your relationships?
Grow in your business online?

There are all sorts of goals you could come up with! Just write out a few of them and start searching for a community on Facebook, on YouTube, or other social media platforms.

Another great idea is to do a Google search and see if any thought leaders or industry leaders offer any mentorship groups. BEing a member of their groups could be an easy way to commit to yourself that you’re in it to win it! You’re in it to make a difference in yourself, your relationships, and your business online!

Something we’ve found is that there’s a ton of “free” information out there that can take time to sift & sort through.

BEAP Exclusive Tribe


The Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs You’ve Been Searching For

Because you’re here, right now, you may be interested in seeing if the Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs would be the right fit for you.

Erin has been in the personal development industry since 2014, focusing on mental shifts holding people back from achieving their true authentic self. And she has been building online business since then too.

I have been building businesses since 2005 to include building an artsy photo greeting card company whose cards were sold in major high-end grocery stores & gift shops all over Austin, Texas, all the way to launching & building online businesses since 2015.

Together, we had this brilliant idea that it would be really cool if there were a safe place (a community of entrepreneurs) who can all get together at regular intervals & mastermind about online business growth.

We made it happen!

Through our searching, there were tons of entrepreneurial groups out there, but most lacked components we felt are essential to the growth of aspiring entrepreneurs and veterans alike.

Think of it as an infusion of personal development (so you can keep your head on your mission) and online business building techniques (so you can take your idea from building, to growing & scaling).

In May 2018, The Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs was launched & it’s been growing since.

What members get has been evolving each month. As of this writing, members get a weekly Campfire Q+A Zoom Video Call to get their biz building & personal development questions answered as they grow. Tribers also get the entire Get It Done eCourse series that walks you through going from your idea, into a business you can earn income from online.

Go ahead and take the Tribe for a trial & see if it is a fit for you to grow with us on this entrepreneurial journey together.

Brian GarciaUntil Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!

– Brian Garcia

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Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick

Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!


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