Powerful Online Business Tips They Fail To Mention To Beginners

by | Online Business

Beginners starting a business online often feel like they are missing the secret tips to being successful. The truth… Most times they are! In this post we are going to dive into the most important tips you need (that we wish we would have known) as a beginner in online business.

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There are many tips beginners in online businesses need to know that is often not mentioned, or seem kinda cryptic…

It’s tough out there in the online jungle. There are soo many bright shiny objects out there, and an abundance of information. Tons of opportunities… Some good, some a little sketchy. It’s often hard to know what leaders to follow, and what to implement in the right order.

We know this because we were once in your shoes. We were left wondering what was the most important thing to do first, and who we could trust. You have probably felt this way… If you have, then we have some great tips to share with you, that we ended up learning from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the online business industry.

You see… At first, things were really cloudy. When we started our online businesses, we were both a part of Network Marketing companies. The proverbial “business in a box” if you will. Where the systems are duplicatable, and if you would just go ahead & hound your friends, family, and approach random strangers in the shopping mall… Your “business” will be a success. While that may work for some… That business model didn’t sit well with us at all.

Brian + I bumped into each other in a community of online marketing ninjas who are now some of our biggest mentors, and best friends. I was 2 years in the industry without making a dime, and pretty much ready to throw in the towel. I was tired of dumping ads for my biz-op. on online job boards, and posting bandit flyers all over Toronto only to connect with people who had no clue who I was.

The fact of the matter is, a real successful business attracts people to it. Sure you need to market & advertise, but you sure as heck don’t need to be chasing people to buy your products or services. Do you see companies like Amazon calling you up and asking you to buy? NO, because they are leveraging systems & technology. (Which we cover in our eCourse Get Your Ads On)

What I am about to share with you is the information that we paid thousands & thousands of dollars to attain. This information changed our lives & business forever. Heck, our mentors even asked us to talk about it in front of a crowd of about 60 people… Off the cuff.  So grab a note pad & let’s do this.

Powerful Online Business Tips They Fail To Mention To Beginners

Tip: As a beginner… You need a brand that attracts people to your online business.

This is HUGE, and a massively important tip! A lot of beginners in online business don’t brand themselves. They come into the online world… (ahem… social media) and start bombing their profile, page & strangers with links to their product or service.

While your product may be the best thing since sliced bread… The problem is where the products are being dropped. SOCIAL MEDIA! When was the last time you ever woke up and said… “Today I am going shopping on Facebook?”

Never. No one ever said that… Ever.

People hang out on social media to interact with friends & family. Catch up with influencers they love, authors, musicians, comedians, artists, you name it. They want to be entertained, inspired, or educated in some way. NOT to be bombarded with links to get a hot deal.

So what does this have to do with branding?

Your brand is what defines you in your market place. It’s what makes you stand out from the crowd. It speaks to a certain type of person, fulfilling their desire, or solving their problem.

Brands who form a crystal clear message that represents their company make it easy for their audience to understand what they offer. Which is one of the keys to attracting the right people to your biz.

We go into detail on this in our eCourse Get Your Brand On. But the main thing I want to get across here today is that when you have a brand that is a broad idea you don’t have limits. You can offer anything you want under your brand. You can use your name or an idea like Apple, Nike, or Tony Robbins.

Think of your brand as a culture. People want to be a part of something. They may wear it is a status symbol or love the community aspect. That is powerful. Brands who put their community at the forefront of their messaging create massive impacts.

Tip: As a beginner… You need a front door to your online business

You’ve likely heard of the terms funnel, capture page, or lead page. If you haven’t yet… No worries. After reading this you will see them everywhere, and understand what they are and why you need a front door in your business.

The front door of your business is a free offer. That is all you need to get going… Just one offer. You will see this all over websites as free eBooks, pdf downloads, infographics, samples, coaching consultations, and even mini eCourses. This is how you start building the “Know, Love, Trust” relationship with your audience. It’s also what turns them into die-hard fans.

On websites, they come in all shapes and sizes. Some you will see as pop-ups, screen takeovers, banners, hyperlinks, or in the sidebar.

On social media, you may see things like… Download our free guide by clicking this link. Take a look around our website, and other people’s websites observing what they are offering. ESPECIALLY in your niche.

That’s the first step. The second step is where your first exchange with your audience happens. The exchange of what you are offering in return for their name, email, and sometimes a phone number. (Depending on what your business is.)

Once the exchange is made, you deliver what you promised to their inbox, or wherever you said you would send it. Now they are a part of your world. This gives you the opportunity to give them more information about how your online business could enhance their lives. We are going to talk about that in a moment, BUT that’s an entirely different conversation. We go over content much deeper in our Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs.

 BEAP Exclusive Tribe

Tip: As a beginner… You need a Website & Blog that represents your awesome brand.

 A website & blog will give you authority online, and make you look like a pro! Especially if your brand message is dialed in, and you know who it is that you are serving.

This is how your online business can be searched in the online jungle. Every time you produce good valuable content that serves your audience, Google is notified. They send their bots out to scan your content, and then it is placed into a big fat virtual Rolodex. As people type in their questions on Google, keywords are triggered, and the best most valuable content is served to them on the first page.

Let’s face it… Companies with a website & blog are more trustworthy.  Your website & blog give you the opportunity to entertain, educate, and inspire people. If you can give them the information they need, when they need it, in an easy to digest format… You will win their hearts, and make it much easier for them to pull out that credit card because you have a secure place for them to pay you.

We sure hoped these tips for beginners in online business helped you. We sure wish we had access to this information when we first got started in our business.

That is why we also want to give you our Jump Start Your Online Biz Toolkit for FREE, so you don’t have to waste all the time & money that we did trying to figure it out.

What you get:

  • Goal Setting Guide
  • 3 Simple Stages To Online Business eBook
  • 7 Essential Things Your Website & Blog Must Have eBook
  • PLUS our best resources (along with some great discounts)

Jump Start Your Online Biz Toolkit

Get The Jump Start Your Life Toolkit it HERE

Erin Nicole Bick

Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!

 – Erin Nicole Bick

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Home » Online Business » Powerful Online Business Tips They Fail To Mention To Beginners

Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick

Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...

Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.

Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.

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