The Purpose Of A Blog For Business Revealed

The answer? Well… The answer is going to surprise you & once you know, you’ll slap your forehead, pulling a Homer Simpson, “Doh!”
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BE Found Online
The first thing any online business wants is to even be found online. It takes PEOPLE to have a viable business. If people aren’t finding you online, then you’re missing that key component!
It’s kind of like gas in your car tank… Without it, you’re not going very far (or you gotta go on foot!)
So why are newer online businesses not found online?
Simply put… They have not set up their website & blog to be found. There are cool tools like Yoast SEO that you can install on your website that can help your website even be considered for the ranking.
When we started our business online, one of the contributing factors to being found was writing blog posts regularly. Google loves fresh content that is valuable. So, when you write content that people enjoy reading that will help them along their journey, you’ll be rewarded! Being found online is definitely an important purpose of a blog for business.
Another way to help your site to show up more is to submit it to Google’s Webmaster Tools for indexing. Using this tool is like a person jumping up and down in the crowd at a concert. Not everyone is jumping, but the ones that are getting noticed.
Give People Something To Chew On
The purpose of a blog for business is to educate, entertain, and inspire. I can remember taking an eCourse on blogging back when I first got started. I was learning about how to never run out of things to write about (because quite frankly… I thought I was a terrible writer & thought that no one would want to listen to me.)
AND I also thought that every blog post had to be written as a pitch trying to position it to sell a product of some kind.
Boy was I wrong!
Only after I had jumped into some blogs that were interesting to me did I realize that they were more for educating, offering explanations, or even going over a ‘How To” of some kind.
They weren’t designed to “sell”… Or were they?
This is when it got interesting… Most blogs I found, gave people something to chew on.
It’s almost as if the purpose of a blog for business is to build the “know, love, trust” factor. People get warmed up to you & start to feel like they know you. Then they start to love you because of the way you are perceived to them. And only then do they start to trust you. This turns the tide of your relationship together, and your readers turn into fans who are ready to buy your product, service, or even anything you offer.
Provide a Solution
Your website & blog is the easiest way for people to buy nearly anything that you have to offer.
It’s the solution to a problem…
The reliever to a pain…
The answer to a question…
The purpose of a blog for your business is to provide a solution that someone is searching for. Consider your website & blog the gate people are looking for that they want to cross through to become knowledgeable about the information you provide.
As a solution provider, as you continue to guide people through the decision to buy your product or service, they’ll naturally buy from you when the time is right.
The Caveman Test
So how do you know if your website & blog is going to be effective for your visitors? You do the Caveman Test!
Now, this is not a scientifically formulated test, but if a caveman can understand the purpose of the website & blog for your online business, then you’re on the right track!
Here’s what to do:
- Load your website in your laptop’s Google Chrome browser
- Do not scroll
- If you understand what the website is about, what you can expect, and be able to click a button to start the purchase process of the main product or service, THEN you’re doing good!
Now the “purchase process” can be many things… It’s essentially giving a clear call to action so that people can start a process of some kind. Here are some examples:
- Schedule A Call
- Get A Quote
- Start A Membership
- Buy A Product or Service
- Or even get a free download of some kind
You’re basically looking to make that first section above the fold to be informative, concise and give an action all with minimal distraction.
In Conclusion…
The purpose of a blog for your business can take care of many things from being informative, providing answers, relieving pain, and offering solutions. Just be sure that your website & blog is not fighting against you if it lacks clarity of purpose.
To help you out, download the BEAP Jumpstart Toolkit so that you can breathe fresh life into your online business. There’s probably some tip in there that you’re missing, which could be that thing you need to get your biz to the next level.
Know someone who would benefit from this post? Go ahead and share it with your neighbor.
Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!
– Brian Garcia
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.