We’re Learning How To Vlog In La Candelaria Bogotá

If you are interested in learning how to vlog, you may find our attempt in La Candelaria Bogotá amusing, and informative…
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We didn’t think that learning how to vlog was in the cards…
Vlogging… Not a direction I ever thought Brian + I would take BE Adventure Partners. As far as either of us knew, we were an educational brand with the goal to teach people how to become the best version of themselves, so they could be the person who has a rockin’ relationship, and builds the business that sets them free.
We were doing a lot of talking head stuff. You know… Just the two of us sitting in front of the camera teaching how to’s, and giving the latest tips on business building. Because that’s what we thought people wanted…
The people spoke… Or didn’t…
Sure we got enough traction online to quit our careers to travel full-time, but our momentum kind of slowed down. We were busting our asses to make good educational videos to help people do what we were doing, but our engagement was down.
We discovered in a YouTube mentorship program we were taking, that our videos were boring, and people expected to see BE Adventure Partners on an adventure. People wanted proof that we were actually traveling while building our biz online, and pics on Facebook weren’t cutting it anymore.
Then it kind of clicked…
Learning how to vlog has been interesting. Not because Brian + I are so serious, or private… We just had trouble finding the value in it.
When we were doing research on how we could improve our videos for the YouTube space, we found A LOT of couples out there vlogging their travels. Though their videos were beautiful & funny, they weren’t grabbing our attention the way learning something does.
The more vlogs we watched, it finally clicked… Vlogs are the new reality TV!!! People want to see real-life people, doing awesome things, or even just normal boring things. Vlogging is real life entertainment, and YouTube allows anybody the opportunity to get their message out there. Our big question was… What are we going to do with that?!
La Candelaria Bogotá, and our inner conflict with vlogging…
Since April of 2017, we have been traveling full-time, capturing beautiful videos, and pictures. We just weren’t sharing it with the world, like we could have been… Fast-forward to a few days ago to Jan 5th, 2019 walking through La Candelaria Bogotá Colombia, laughing until our cheeks hurt, learning how to put together a vlog. It was hilarious…
Roaming the colourful streets of Bogotá, admiring the massive graffiti pieces on the walls. Taken away by the creativity & talent, we shot a ton of beautiful footage. When it came to Brian + I getting on video to talk about it, we both had the same conflict… Neither of us want to be tour guides. It’s just not us.
There’s a formula… Even for vlogging…
We’re gonna give you the cold hard truth here… Most people won’t watch a vlog that is just an average day, until they have an affinity for you, and are interested in you as a person. Thus the reason why it’s important to have some kind of an action plan. When we went to La Candelaria in Bogotá… We didn’t have a plan, so we fumbled around, UNTIL… It finally came out of us when we recognize the conflict we were having.
All vlogs, like stories, have a conflict that needs to BE resolved…
Yep… And it’s true even for vlogging. In the case of us walking around exploring La Candelaria in Bogotá, the real conflict was us not knowing how to vlog because we are so used to focusing on a teaching point. Which has been a lot easier for us to talk about in the past. BUT you gotta remember… Every time you do something new in your business you will be forced to stretch & evolve in a new way. So embrace it, because it will spark creativity in you, and really inspire you to step into the person you are meant to become.
The resolution comes from the main character or characters following the lead of a guide…
It didn’t hit us until we got back to our beautiful condo overlooking the mountains that we needed to tap into all the training we have taken about storytelling. This training was our guide whispering in our ears, reminding us that we already knew what to do, we just had to follow the plan, and let ourselves flow.
So we spilled the beans on camera, and leaked the truth… We are learning how to vlog! LOL! Then we leaked some really personal stuff, which is really the foundation of all good vlogs/stories isn’t it?
Good vlogs are based around choices that leave the viewer wondering which turns you will take….
For us, we had to choose which direction we were going to take our vlog, and even future vlogs. Were we going to follow the lead of most vloggers out there, or do something different that will allow us to stand out from the crowd?
Of course we chose to stand out, and share our hearts not just our day. This is called your differentiating factor… OR I prefer to call it, your unique flare. It is important to share something no one else on this planet has, and that is your heart! When you let your heart shine, you become a magnet to the people you are meant to attract into your life & business.
You get to choose how you will stand out in a sea of noise when you are learning how to vlog…
People are looking for real-life characters to connect with that remind them of themselves. Their brains are scanning for similar problems, insecurities, and even beliefs. Sure they are looking for entertainment, which is the huge reason YouTube is on a steady upswing… BUT now that every Tom, Dick, and Harry are out there are vlogging… If you want to vlog, you gotta share something a little different that only you can share with the world because anyone can capture pretty good looking footage these days, slap a headline on it, and click upload.
Make vlogging & YouTube your career…
Because this isn’t our forte… We got high end coaching from one of the biggest YouTube teachers out there, so we could really understand the platform. THEN we called in the big gun Daniel Sorbera to record an eCourse for us called Get Your Video On. Daniel has filmed documentaries and produces LIVE TV broadcasts, so he is our guys for all things shooting & editing video. Get Your Video On will be released to the world in moments, and by the time you are reading this, it may already be out.
Daniel has taught us sooo much about making our videos more interesting, which has really inspired us to BE better, and keep practicing on camera so we can spread our message in the most real authentic way.
So what’s your message?
What do you want to share with the world?
As you can see… We aren’t experts yet, but we keep putting ourselves out there because it is more important to us that we inspire people, make them laugh, and help them to evolve in the best way we can.
If this sounds like you, we would love to have you in the BEAP Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs. Not only will you get access to Get Your Video On when it is released, you will also get your hands on our entire eCourse Library! Pretty sweet huh?! AND that’s not it… You can get your questions answered LIVE on our Monthly Campfire Q+A’s, plus mix & mingle with other entrepreneurs in the Tribe Community, where you can post questions, and wins anytime!
If you got anything out of this blog post about learning how to vlog…
We sure hope it is the fact that YOU don’t need to BE perfect to get started! You just gotta get going, and start speaking your truth. Share it with the world, because that dear friend is interesting. People aren’t looking for perfection anymore, they are looking for real! BE yourself, BE relatable, and you will attract amazing people to you!
Building a business is like riding a bicycle while building it. You learn to BE flexible as you go, learn new things, and implement them into your business! Whether that’s your video style or your first sales page. This is why we welcome you into the Tribe… To help you short cut your learning curve, and build a business that you really love. SO you can BE where you want, whenever you want, with the ones you love most!
Did This Help You? If so, we would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and share on Facebook, or any of your favorite social media pages!
Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.