Need A Spouse Before You Start An Online Business?

This is a hot question for up & coming entrepreneurs these days… While there is no hard fast rule about whether you need a spouse to start an online business, this post will give you something to chew on before you take the plunge. (Solo, or with your love.)
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The most important things to consider before you start an online business…
Before you worry your pretty head about forming a business partnership with your spouse or going out there to find a biz partner there are a few things to take into consideration.
Questions to ask YOURSELF before starting an online business… (With a spouse or solo):
- What do you want your life to BE like?
- How do you imagine your days with an online business?
- What kind of work-life balance would you have?
- Where do you want to work? (Think environment or country.)
- Do you work well with others?
- What would you value in a business partner?
- What’s your business idea?
- Who do you want to impact/serve with your online business?
- What’s your ultimate mission as a business?
- How much money do you want to make each year?
You could ask yourself questions for days, but this should get you started. Take the time to have a brainstorm. Get out your journal & pen, and jam it out. This is going to give you a good idea of what you want before you get into a conversation with your spouse. Trust me you want to be prepared. When I decided I was going to build a business online in personal development… My ex was like WTF?! I wasn’t prepared to have that conversation… I just told him I was doing it before I had a clue. Luckily I didn’t let it knock the wind out of my sails, and neither did Brian! (Here’s a little back story about why we REALLY exist…)
After you’re clear on what kind of life you want to live, and what kind of online business you want to start… Then it’s time to share it with your spouse. Get them to answer the questions above. You may be on the same page, you might not. That’s ok! It’s also totally ok to start an online business on your own!
You can do whatever you like…
The beauty of starting your very own online business is… It can BE whatever you want it to BE! Brian + I both started out on a solo mission because neither of our spouses were on board with our business ideas. Sure it hurt that they didn’t support us at the time, but that’s what lead us to each other. By the time we came together to form BE Adventure Partners, we both knew how we wanted to contribute to the world. While our ideas weren’t the same… They were similar enough that we thought it would be a lot of fun to join forces.
You can join forces with whomever you like, but before merging ideas… Get really clear on what you value in a business partnership, and take the time to draw up an agreement together. It’s a smart idea to get an attorney to take a look at your agreement as well, so you are both covered. We actually did a really fun interview with our attorney which talks in-depth about the legal side of starting an online business with your spouse. You can access that, along with all of our other expert interviews with your BEAP Membership.
There are a lot of couple-preneurs who have merged their business ideas together, and become very successful. While other couples have different interests, and both have their own solo businesses.
So do you need a spouse before you start an online business…
Nope. You may not have a spouse, or want one… BUT you know that you want to start an online business. All the power to ya! We know all kinds of amazing solo-preneurs who are crushing it in their online businesses. The reason we speak to couples is because of all the crap we went through in past relationships made us super passionate about finding love, and keeping it. We knew there had to be a way to keep a relationship exciting. What better way than to build a business that allows you to create a life on your terms?
What are the benefits of starting an online business with your spouse…
Flexibility! When your schedules line up it makes life so much easier. PLUS… Being online makes you mobile so you can BE where you want, when you want together!
Having common goals is really nice too! Like I mentioned before, Brian + I aren’t on the exact same mission, but we both really want to help couples live their ideal lives! (AND solo-preneurs too! Building a business online is building a business.) To us, this means a life without limits. My mission is to teach people how to love themselves so they can reach their goals, while Brian’s goal is to help people create financial independence. See how they both jive nicely? You can frame a business however you want if you want to work together badly enough.
Regardless… It’s important to have support.
So whether you are starting an online business on your own, or whether you are doing it together… It is SO important to surround yourself with a community of people who understand your goals, and have people that you can bounce ideas off of.
Even though Brian + I have both been building online businesses for several years, we are still a part of several communities that support us in different aspects of our lives & business.
If you wanna run with us, and the BEAP Tribe… We would love to have you! Your Membership to the Exclusive Tribe for Entrepreneurs will get you access to all of our eCourses & our LIVE Campfire Q+A so you can get your questions answered live. Can’t wait to have you… Whether you are on a solo mission or doin’ it together!
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.
Love it! I wish my partner was on this journey with me! It is really hard to do it all be myself! I would love to have some help. He will be with me when I get it rolling though and he sees how fun it is!
That’s awesome that you have so much drive to create your brand & business! You’re partner will love it so much! We’re rooting for you! Keep consistent, Lisa 🙂