The Real Definition Of Entrepreneur

Are you the type that is restless in a job, can’t seem to sit still for long, has an intense burning desire to be a massive impact on others, and would rather create your reality than let someone else define it for you? You may be The Real Definition of Entrepreneur.
If that is you… You just may be an entrepreneurial type of person. And this is a great place to be!
Entrepreneur Characteristics
The defining characteristics of an entrepreneur can be the most empowering traits humans can possess. The reason being is that people who are entrepreneurs are ones who do not settle for less…
- They don’t conform to society’s norms…
- They go over and beyond the call of duty…
- They are tenacious…
- They do not see problems, only solutions…
- Rules are not made for them, because we figure out ways around them to make the world a better place…
- They are the boss of their own lives, and do not let anyone else define when, where, what, or why they should do something…
- They have an intense, burning desire to create a massive impact in other’s lives!
I can remember, sitting in a conference for entrepreneurs in 2017. A guy named Norbert was up there talking about the power of entrepreneurship, and how many people think they are entrepreneurs, but are not.
It boiled down to their characteristics.
When someone just gets started in a network marketing company, they start saying, “I’m an entrepreneur…” when in fact, they are just a sales rep for a company. They have no ownership of the products or services offered… They are simply being paid a commission ONLY if they refer the products or services & they are purchased from their replicated website.
As soon as Norbert said that, the room became so quiet you could hear a flea fart.
The reason for the silence is because the majority of the people in the room were representatives of different network marketing companies… Thinking they were entrepreneurs.
Definition Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur is a person who exercises initiative by organising a venture to benefit from an opportunity rather than working as an employee.
– Wikipedia
If you are reading this, and you are a network marketer… Your feathers maybe a little ruffled right now, and that’s ok! You just may be an entrepreneur in your heart, but you have not stepped off the ledge into being a full-time business owner. You may still be an employee.
We get it. We all need to create a living somehow, and being an employee is often the easiest way to do it.
However, until you take the leap by creating your own branded business online or offline, then you will just have to know that becoming an entrepreneur is something you can aspire to be in the near future. We would love to see what you create, so feel free to send us what you’ve done.
Keep reading, because you will see how you could become a successful entrepreneur, and make a massive impact in your particular niche market.
Become A Successful Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs are essential to the economy. Without them, there would not be any innovation, or growth in humanity.
A common misconception is that it will cost a fortune to become an entrepreneur, which is why most people just go work for companies (all of which were started by entrepreneurs).
Why is this misconception so prevalent in today’s society?
Part of the misunderstanding is that most people do not know how to put together a business online (or even offline… brick & mortar style).
Regardless of which type of business you want to start, there are similarities that are consistent with each.
- Find a pain or problem in society
- Provide relief to the pain, or the solution to a problem
- Create a website & blog around your idea
- Learn to market your idea
To become a successful entrepreneur, you do not need to go to University for a degree in business, or advertising. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in history were self-made.
I’ll tell you their secret in just a moment…
Entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs revolutionized the world with the Apple Computer. He had an idea to make personal computers affordable. Now wrapping your head around creating the next technology might seem daunting, think about entrepreneurs who have made an impact online.
Entrepreneurs like Mike Dillard show people that a Self-Made-Man (or woman), is in the grasp of anyone with a laptop and a smartphone. The way to create a simple business online is simply by creating a community and providing value to your audience. Anyone with an interest in anything, any niche, any product, and even any service can make that happen.
The Big Secret To Being A Successful Entrepreneur
The secret to the success of these entrepreneurs is this… Find your audience’s biggest problem and most aching pain. Then provide the pain killer or solution.
That’s it.
So why is it that most people who call themselves, or become entrepreneurs fail?
It’s because they do not know the secret I just told you.
The reason this minor tweak in how entrepreneurs operate is so powerful is this:
Imagine you are selling a vitamin to someone. People are not buying the vitamin… they are buying what the vitamin will do for them. There’s most likely some sort of health benefit that will take away their pain, prevent future pain, or even increase their ability to do more activities, and enhance their performance.
This doesn’t just work with vitamins, it works for every product or service you can think of.
Here are a couple more examples:
Let’s say your business offers drones. If you just marketed that you have drones for sale, you probably won’t get many sales. Now, if you marketed that your drone can capture the highest quality videos & pictures from the highest altitudes, with the most stability, and ease of use, you most certainly will sell more.
What if you offer a service, and are a life-coach of some kind. What will sell your services faster?
(A) Putting up an ad saying you’re a life coach?
(B) Or putting up an ad talking about how there are situations in life that make you feel like you are not getting ahead. If you want to experience more momentum in life to achieve more productivity, love, happiness, wealth, health, then reach out and give us a call.
The answer from the above two examples is definitely the marketing & ads that focus on pains & problems.
As much as you think your product or service is awesome, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, stop selling the product, and start selling what it could do for people.
What Does Entrepreneurship Cost?
Remember earlier when we spoke about a common misconception is that becoming an entrepreneur is “expensive”?
Well, let’s break down the numbers so that you know what to expect, and this will actually dispel that misconception for you, once and for all.
Here’s what you’ll need to create your real business online:
- Domain Name & Hosting – Costs around $3.99 per month using this link to Bluehost
- – This is how you make your site look pretty – It’s free
- Autoresponder – When people opt into your offers, their name, and email address is securely stored on an autoresponder, and your pre-thought-out emails are waiting to be sent to them. We use Kajabi, which is also the eCourse hosting platform we use. Check out Kajabi HERE
- Mastery in Marketing – How do you get thousands of eyes on your business each week & learn to develop the right message to the right audience? Learn to set up your business online. Start Today
As you can see, the monthly cost to run an online business is extremely low, especially if you wanted to get your own Starbucks launched. That would set you back around $315,000 before the doors opened. This is why we prefer building a business online. Because you don’t have to worry about opening a brick and mortar store, hassle with inventory, and deal with employees.
Many aspiring entrepreneurs would rather have their handheld while building their business online. We get it because we didn’t have anyone to lean on when we had questions as we got started years ago. If you are wanting a step-by-step approach, simply get access to our entire eCourse Library, where we will show you what to do to get your business set up online.
When you are creating business, all successful entrepreneurs know that you have to spend money to make money. In my humble opinion, this is the simplest way to create a business online that could allow you to be wherever you want in the world, experience a loving relationship with your partner, and give you your time back.
In Conclusion…
The definition of an entrepreneur is as simple as someone who takes life into their own hands. They create their own reality and do not let society tell them what time they should be at work each day. They provide solutions to people’s problems and relieve people’s pains. If you are on the track to becoming an entrepreneur and are wanting to learn how to get it all set up online, find a time on our webinar masterclass that works best for you. We’ll explore together how you could create a life you never need to take a vacation from, have more fun, and experience more love with your partner.
Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!
– Brian Garcia
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.