When You Feel Like You’re Floundering… You Need A Plan

By the end of this article you will have two different plan ideas you can borrow from us, and start implementing into your business right away! There is no need to feel like you are floundering around, or go into a state of panic! It’s time to revive your business today!
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How do you know when you need a plan?
This may seem obvious to some people… But most people will keep putting planning off because they don’t want to make the hard decisions business owners need to make. We want to make that very simple for you, and give you some good reasons to sit down & make a plan for yourself. BEcause… We know from experience how much it has helped us in our business to get really serious, focus, and have more fun with what we are working on.
1. You know where you want to go, but aren’t too sure how to get there…
This is really common for most entrepreneurs! You have this big vision of how you want your company to be! You may see yourself speaking on stage, helping people, or see yourself rockin’ it on YouTube!
We totally get it! Brian + I are both visionaries, creatives, and FULL of ideas. Our strengths haven’t always been in creating a plan for ourselves. BUT this is a skill we had to learn if we ever wanted our business to be successful. That’s coming up. Keep reading.
2. If you’re occupying your time with busy work… You need a plan.
YUCK! You know you need a plan when you are spending your days cleaning up files on your computer, or tidying your desk. While it is important to keep a clean workspace so you can concentrate… It is a MASSIVE waste of your precious time to be going through emails, and emptying your spam folder. (Just sayin… That is NOT an income-producing activity)
3. You are busting your ass & not getting results… Then you definitely need a plan.
This happens to the best of us! You find yourself grinding it out in your business, working so hard on something but it just isn’t the right fit for you or your business. There are a few things to consider when this happens:
- You need to reassess who your target audience is and work on building a strong relationship with them
- Your brand message may be off, and need a revamp
- Your customer journey isn’t clear (people may not understand what you offer)
Time to get clear!
Take a look at your business, and make a decision about what’s most important to you.
Where do you want to hang your hat?
Where can you provide value to your audience on a consistent basis?
Exercise: Make a list of the most important activities you do in your business that SERVE your audience.
If it’s on Facebook, make that your only social platform to start, and get really good at it before you bring in another social media. Decide how frequently you are going to post on your Business Page, go LIVE, message people, reply to questions & comments.
If you are a blogger, decide how many days a week you are going to post new articles that serve your audience’s needs, or answer their questions.
Do you want to email your list? How often?
Once you have made a list of the most important things you do in your business to engage with your audience and help them… Decide what days of the week you are going to perform these activities, and plug them into your calendar. Be realistic, and don’t overbook yourself. Give yourself the appropriate amount of time to finish the task, and then after you run the schedule a few times you can always course correct.
When we first started our businesses we were floundering around aimlessly, clicking around on Google, hoping to find what to do in the right order. It was really challenging & frustrating. I didn’t make a dime in my business for 2 years because I wasn’t sure which social media platform was best to connect with my audience, or how to even do that. I had no idea how to set up my website & blog… I was literally using my blog as a dear diary and didn’t know how to monetize it. (Make MONEY?! Yikes…)
This is why we came up with PLAN #2… To save you a whole bunch of time & money!
If you want to save yourself a LOT of time trying to figure out how to connect with your audience on social media, come up with a brand message that attracts people to you, and design a website & blog that builds trust so people will buy whatever it is you offer…
Join the BE Adventure Partners Exclusive Tribe For Entrepreneurs. We designed a Road Map that will give you a plan, and guide you each step of the way. Not to mention, you will have direct access to us each week on our LIVE Campfire Q + A’s where we answer your questions LIVE! All you gotta do is show up.
Jump in the Tribe and see if it’s a fit for you & your business. We will happily help you create an action plan that fits you, your business, and attracts the right customers & clients to you! AND get you doing income-producing activities, instead of wasting your time on “busy work”.
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.
You guys are so awesome and I have learned so much from you. I did number one for at least 3 years and then I found you guys! Wow has it helped me!
Isn’t it cool the perspective you get, then you start to implement! You’re doing awesome & we love seeing your evolution as a Triber! Thanks for reading, Lisa 🙂