How It All Began – BEAP’s Creation Story

by | Lifestyle | 6 comments

This is the story of how it all began. It’s a story of love & passion, along with 2 regular people who had a burning desire to live life on their terms. BE inspired to live outside of the box, and BE where you want with the one you adore.

Not a reader? Watch this on the BEAP YouTube Channel!

How it all began wasn’t so sexy…

Before Brian + I met, we both had this idea that building a business online would allow us to quit our jobs, and live more freely. I bumped into this personal development education company I dove in headfirst with. I had no idea what marketing was… Let alone network marketing. The only message I clearly understood was, “we’re changing lives, and making millions.” That sounded pretty good to me, sign me up. Nieve, maybe… BUT I was hungry for a change.

My relationship at the time was going down the toilet. We had simply grown apart and been going down different paths. At the same time… I was floundering for 2 years to sell this personal development education online. I was yet to make a dime. I had no clue what the heck I was doing. Shit, I barely knew how to use my fancy new laptop. AND I quit my job prematurely so I could focus on this online biz thang. Let me tell ya… I was doing a LOT of haircuts & colors at home to make up for my foolishness. All the while trying to quit binge drinking, drugs, and shopping addiction.

I was making waves in my life! Since my relationship was going down the crapper, I was fully focused on taking care of myself. I was working out like a maniac, eating super healthy, fully engaged in my personal development, and online biz training. PLUS sharing my story on my blog & social media. It was a whirlwind.


Then everything shifted…

Late one night, I was hanging out in this online group for entrepreneurs, asking a lot of tricky questions about my website. I got a few responses, but one really stood out. As the questions got more complicated this guy Brian said “Hey… It would be a lot easier to answer your questions on the phone.”

To be honest… I thought it was kinda weird. It was 1 am my time, and this guy wanted to get on the phone. Even though my relationship was practically over, I felt kinda weird getting on the phone with this random guy. Then I thought to myself… “Erin this is just business… What if he can help?”

Brian was very professional. On his drive home from the fire station, he happily answered all my questions. I couldn’t believe how smart he was. Then something happened that changed our lives. A HUGE owl flew in front of Brian’s windshield. I said… “It must be your spirit animal.” I figured the owl was a sign that we were both on the right path, but mostly I thought it was because Brian was so wise.


How It All Began - BEAP’s Creation Story


The truth is… That moment connected us. It would have just been a regular old business convo if it wasn’t for the owl. After that, we grew a really special friendship from a distance.

Mending hearts & business…

Brian was just getting over a divorce and was there for me the whole way through my breakup. If it wasn’t for him I might have thrown in the towel on my dream biz because he was always there cheering for me to keep going. We were there for each other through everything… Even though we were 1,555 miles apart.

The one night over video chat, I told Brian about this personal development conference I was going on. It was a cruise across the Canary Islands coming up in a few months. I was venting to him that I had no one to go with because no one could commit to the 10 days at sea… I was shocked when he said, “I’d go with you!”


How It All Began - BEAP’s Creation Story

This is really how it all began…

Next thing you know we are booking flights and flying into Heathrow Airport in London England to meet in the flesh for the first time. When I arrived the airport had lost my luggage, but I was so excited to meet Brian that I didn’t even care. Plus I was feeling so good in myself because of all the exercise & personal development I was doing… It was the first time in my adult life that I could survive without makeup & a hairdryer for a couple of days…

We really enjoyed London. Our first night we went to a rad underground jazz bar in the crypt of a big old church. We rented bicycles, and ate some amazing food… THEN right before we traveled to Southampton to pick up the cruise ship… My luggage came! Thank goodness, cuz I had some super cute outfits I bought specifically for this event. LOL… Things went more amazing then either of us could have imagined. I knew I was going to really like him, but he was even more fun in real life. We laughed non stop, had super deep conversations, and the people at the personal development event were like…

“Who is this guy?”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
“What happened to that guy you came with last year that didn’t quite suit you?”
“This new guy is amazing, you guys are so great together!”

WOWZA, Brian was a total hit, and not just for observers… BUT for me! Even though he was so great, neither Brian or I knew how to respond to their questions. We weren’t ready to call each other boyfriend & girlfriend. Shoot we just met in the flesh, and with Brian living in the US & me in Canada… We didn’t know where it was going to go and weren’t ready to commit to a definite label… We joked that we would tell them we were “Adventure Partners.”

Then we did…

After an afternoon of riding camels on one of the Canary Islands, and running up sand dunes… We went to lunch with the group. The questions kept coming, and Brian + I both said at the very same time… “We’re Adventure Partners!” Shockingly, we looked at each other, laughed, and said, “It’s official!”


How It All Began - BEAP’s Creation Story


That was the most magical 15 day, first date, of my life! You couldn’t keep us apart after that.

10 months of LONG distance…

We couldn’t let a thing like distance get in the way of this intense feeling we had for each other. We were so in alignment, both being so focused on improving our lives, building a business that would set us free, and our love for self-development… Our idea of what we wanted life to BE like and our personalities just fit. It was a really nice match. (Still is…) So much so, that we flew all over the world to meet, and got 7 countries under our belts in the first 10 months of our adventures together.

The fire was hot… And BEAP was born…

BEcause the idea of “Adventure Partners” was so darn cute, we thought it would be fun to write a blog about our romance, and travels. SO we got a Facebook Page and bought the domain

B for Brian + E for Erin = BE

BE… BEcause straight up Adventure Partners was taken. We thought anyone could “BE Adventure Partners,” so we ran with it. As we started telling our love story and sharing our adventures, people wanted to know how the heck we were doing it. So we started to teach how to build a business online because we knew eventually that would be the reason we could BE together & travel full-time! Who’d a thunk this photo below, that we took on that cruise across the Canary Islands would BEcome our logo… Weird huh!?


Brian and Erin - BE Adventure Partners Cruise Pose to Logo

And it was…

After 10 months of working our butts off from a distance, we made it happen. Brian quit his job as a firefighter, and I stopped doing hair from home BEcause we got rid of our homes. I had already sold my house in Toronto when I split with the ex, so all I had to do was pack up my loft, donated most of my stuff, and sell the rest. Brian sold his American Dream, his RV, and his big old pickup truck.

Then the adventure REALLY began…

Our online business is our lifeline. It gives us the freedom & flexibility to BE where we want, when we want, TOGETHER! It also pushes us to grow in ourselves & our relationship. It makes us extremely good communicators and helps us stay focused on our goals. Sure we work our butts off because as I write this article we have only been in business together for just under 3 years. BUT because of what we have built we can work from wherever we want, enjoy incredible views, and different cultures.

I am actually kind of in awe as I write this to you. Our relationship has been so well documented because of our businesses & now our BEAP biz online. Which is actually kinda neat.

What we want to share with you…

Our mission & biggest passion is to help couples keep that fire stoked. We believe all couples can do this. SO, as we learn things that we think could help you grow in yourself, your relationship, or your business online… We will BE right here creating content for you!

You can expect things like:

  • personal development
  • mindset shifting & thought-provoking info
  • healthy eating
  • meditation, journaling tips & spirituality
  • relationship-building exercises
  • inspiring love stories
  • travel, adventure & experiences
  • online business building tips & how to’s
  • AND so much more…

Join us on our journey to freedom…

It’s a lot more fun to know we are all in this together! Brian + I are not perfect! We are still working out some kinks in ourselves that keep us from having all that we want. Totally normal, as human beings on the growth journey. We invite you to BE on the journey with us! Share in the comments below! Ask questions! Tell us stories! We would love to hear from you.

If you haven’t… Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. We come out with fresh new vids every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Same with the blog… While one of us is editing a video, the other writes a blog post with a bit of a different spin on the same topic. #TagTeam #CouplePreneurs #Advantage #BrianAndErin #BEAP – LOL

Ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level, and need some guidance? If that’s you + your love (or even if you are solo)… Come kick the tires for a week, and give the Tribe a test drive. We would love to have you in the Tribe, and so would our community!

See you there!


BEAP Exclusive Tribe

Erin Nicole Bick

Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!

 – Erin Nicole Bick

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Home » Lifestyle » How It All Began – BEAP’s Creation Story

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Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick

Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!


  1. Lisa Oakleaf

    Love Love It! You guys so inspire me!

    • BE Adventure Partners

      Ahh!! Thanks so much, Lisa! You’re an inspiration to us too & are the reason we do what we do!

  2. Valerie Lewis

    This is absolutely amazing! Great inspiration and information…I didn’t know all this about you both, and now I’m an even bigger fan of you both!

    • BE Adventure Partners

      Thanks so much, Valerie! People have been asking about our story & how BE Adventure Partners all began… So we delivered! BE sure to watch the video we made on YouTube channel about this!

  3. Tania Kent

    You are both an Absolute inspiration! Love seeing you make you dreams come true.
    Cheering you on and can’t wait to see what happens next. Plus I am so stoked for my own future. I will keep watching and learning xo 😁💕

    • BE Adventure Partners

      Wow! You are too sweet, Tania! We really appreciate you taking time to read our BE Adventure Partners Creation Story! Let us know what you’re wanting to learn about & we could make a post just for you 🙂

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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.



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