How To Prepare For Absolute Location Independence

by | Mar 28, 2017 | Online Business | 14 comments

When it is time to actually prepare yourself for location independence… It can seem a bit daunting. BUT guess what? It doesn’t have to be! I have learned so much during those whole process that I couldn’t resist sharing with you. Let’s get into it.

Weighing the value of stuff versus experiences, what will stay, and what must go?

With all the time, money, and effort we put into creating a home for ourselves… We see all this stuff accumulate and think, “OMG what the heck am I going to do with all this stuff while I travel the world?”

Brian + I have had some huge revelations over the past few months! We have been travelling so much that the stuff became irrelevant! Sometimes I am gone for months at a time! Returning to a dusty space, and the things I left behind… Well… They are just things.

When I had a house I took pride in it looking like a magazine. Once I sold the house, and found my dream loft I felt the same about it too!

Being away from the “stuff” showed me I was no longer connected or attached the way I once was! Which was honestly pretty thrilling! To me, that meant I was ready to set sail permanently!

So how does one prepare for location independence?

If you are paying into a mortgage or renting a space… You may consider selling, renting out your space, or getting out of your lease!

To be quite honest… I jumped the gun. Typical Erin behaviour… I was down visiting Brian in Texas, and just decided one day that paying $1850 for my cockroach-infested apartment was ridiculous! I spent a total of 9.5 months there, and 107 of those days I was in another country!

LOL! I was literally paying for a high-end storage locker. The funniest part is, I called it before I even lived there, and then it turned out to be exactly that. Including uninvited house guests while I wasn’t there. (Just a little cockroach humour for ya!)

You gotta know that this is what you wanna do! You gotta know it in your soul because making the decision to take off, and leave your possessions behind is something that would make most people’s heads spin!

For us… We picture ourselves living in different countries all over the world, not being restricted by worrying about a home base. At least for the next 2-3 years. Who knows, we may get hooked, and never want just one home base. We also trust in the universe that our path will light up for us and that if we come across a place we want to call home together we will jump on it!

We have both been homeowners and taken care of places on our own. It is a ton of work to keep a place up! For us, it really doesn’t make sense anymore to hold onto that.

When I say I ejected myself prematurely… I could have planned for this much better. I could have been selling things for months before leaving. I started selling things in the last few weeks. No sweat off my teeth to be honest. I was happy to donate my things!

Letting go of possessions can be the hardest thing.

Literally a few days ago I let go of my dream loft (minus the critters), sold some stuff, and donated about 75% of the rest of it! The remaining things are either precious to me and some I couldn’t decide. I will likely donate 50% of the remaining stuff!

I used to be a bit of a shopaholic! Buying clothes from high-end boutiques in Toronto. Going through my clothes that still look new, or the ones that still had price tags was kind of hard. Even if I had never worn them before, I was emotionally attached because of the money I spent. SO I tried everything on! If it was slightly ill-fitting… SEE YA! I also made a rule that if it had been a year or more since I had worn it… Buh BYE! I kept a few winter clothes for my visits to Canada, and a few summer clothes overflow to swap stuff out when we visit in the summer.

Then there is the old “Does this bring me joy?” rule…

Great rule!

Luckily Brian came to help me the last week of being in my place. He kept asking me again, and again if what I was holding brought me joy!

Parting with my stuff was a bit harder than I expected. In most cases, I felt bad throwing things away that I couldn’t donate. You know those weird miscellaneous things… Like half bottles of lotions, and potions!


Then there is the logistics before you dive into your location independence!

  • Make sure your passport & visas are up to date!
  • Check for travel warnings, advisories, and weather at that time of year!
  • Call your credit card company to let them know where you are going.
  • Learn some catchphrases in the language of the country you are going to. “Goodmorning!” “Thankyou” Being polite is favoured in all countries. Forget the phrases… At least try, and keep smiling! People love it!
  • Get travel insurance!!! We like adventures, so we opt for adventure insurance to make sure we are fully covered!
  • Register your trip. Click here for the American & Canadian registration sites.
  • Check online to see if you need to be vaccinated before you leave well in advance! Also if you take any prescriptions, top those off before you head out as well!
  • Pack appropriately! If you are backpacking as we will be, the more you bring the more you have to carry! No need to bring expensive jewelry, or anything glitzy! Just the essentials, and maybe one nice outfit for a night out on the town. Check out this post “How to Travel Anywhere With Only A Carryon Bag”
  • Tie up loose ends! Go paperless with all of your mail! Get your taxes done! Talk to a financial advisor/accountant to inquire how all this works while travelling long term.

Though there seems to be a lot of preparation for becoming location independent… Freedom is priceless!

We are not yet 100% location independent… That being said… We are so damn close we can taste it!

Over the past 8 months, we have been building our online business together with the goal of travelling full-time. We are nearly at the point with our business where we can actually do it! We have already been travelling a ton, and realized once we let go of the last few things holding us back we will be totally free!

Only a few weeks away now from being completely free from jobs, and residences! How exciting! Follow our journey on YouTube. We are going to share the whole thing.

It is soo amazing how fast you can manifest the life of your dreams! A year ago I would have laughed in doubt that I could make this vision come to fruition soo fast! Travelling like this has been on my mind for years!

What is your vision? Do you want absolute location independence?

If so, reach out to us! We are learning soo much along our journey, and are happy to share with you how you could build a sustainable business, that gets you excited while you travel the world!

Erin Nicole Bick

Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!

 – Erin Nicole Bick

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Home » Online Business » How To Prepare For Absolute Location Independence

Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick

Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...

Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.

Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.

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  1. Dereco Cherry

    Being able to work where ever you have an internet connection and a computer is the ultimate freedom. A lot of people love the idea but are not willing to put in the work to achieve it. Learning the needed skills and getting the right mindset will put on the path to location independence.

    Enjoyed the post, thanks for the share!

    • BE Adventure Partners

      YES Dereco! You are 100000% spot on!
      A lot of people expect to know how it is all done in a blink of an eye.
      The question is… Did you learn how to do your job in a blink of an eye?
      What about do a back flip? Or a complicated guitar solo?
      Things take time to learn. Some take more time then others.
      The reward… Your freedom! Happy to slug it out in the beginning and learn all those lessons 😉

  2. Dr. Lisa Thompson

    Great tips on value and about giving and donating…

    What you give away you get to keep…

    Loved this post!

    Dr. Lisa

    • BE Adventure Partners

      Love that quote Dr Lisa! Thanks so much for reading!

  3. Martin Dean

    Interesting concept Location Independence. Must admit I like coming home after a trip but you’re right all the things are just “things”.

    • BE Adventure Partners

      It is nice to come home that is for sure!
      We are excited to not have to worry about a home for a while.
      We have been feeling like home wherever we are together!

  4. Gary Bledsoe

    This is are some great tips, thanks for sharing.

    • BE Adventure Partners

      Thanks so much for reading Gary! 🙂

  5. Lynette Bledsoe

    Totally loved your post today guys!! Living free as you want must feel so amazing I totally can relate to being able to work from anywhere anytime like a mobile life thank goodness for technology!!

    • BE Adventure Partners

      Aww thanks Lynette! It is pretty wild the ride we are on!
      Feels really freeing to get rid of all the stuff so we can get out there and explore!
      Cheers to being an entrepreneur! Look forward to meeting you on our adventures!

  6. BE Adventure Partners

    Hey there Amalah! We learned location independence through a marketing platform. We had an idea for a business, BE Adventure Partners, applied the marketing training to it, and built a successful business around our passion! Message us and we’ll jump on an Adventure Call to talk about what you are wanting to build for your life!

  7. BE Adventure Partners

    LOL love your energy Kevin!
    Would love to connect on a video chat so we can meet ya face to face.
    Lets jump on an Adventure Call, and we can help you figure out where you wanna go with all this excitement! 🙂
    Here’s the link to the call:

    – B + E

  8. BE Adventure Partners

    Hey Laura! This is sooo exciting to hear! We had prepared for about 10 months before finally cutting the cord to the anchor of the job! Now experiencing Location Independence is absolutely fulfilling! Jump on an Adventure Call with us, and we can chat with you and your husband, answering any questions you have! Thanks for reading!

  9. BE Adventure Partners

    Hey George! Brian quit his job on April 1, 2017. Erin quit her job a couple years ago. Message us if you want to chat about what you are doing to achieve Location Independence!

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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.



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