Adventures To Paloquemao Market In Bogotá Colombia

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Thinking about going to Paloquemao Market in Bogotá Colombia? Get off the fence! You are about to learn why it is a must do in the bustling city…

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Organic food can be hard to find abroad…

If consuming high-quality organic food is high on your priority list, you are definitely going to want to pay a visit to Paloquemao Market in Bogotá.

As full-time travelers, it is hugely important to us that we eat well. To be honest, we aren’t always the best because in some countries over the past couple of years, we have found it hard to find places to eat that have healthy options. Sometimes when I have asked for a salad I would be served a piece of iceberg lettuce with a couple of slices of tomato… Thus the number one reason why we always get a place with a kitchen, without exception. So finding the local farmers market is a must when we arrive in any town, village, or city.


Adventures To Paloquemoa Market In Bogotá Colombia

Why Paloquemao Market is a foodies dream…

We heard about the famous farmers market from our Airbnb host James. He said it was a must-do in this big vibrant city! Why? Because it is the top place to see all of the variety Colombia has to offer under one roof. Which is kind of Paloquemao’s slogan…

From the most abundant fruit, and veggie stands… To bakeries, butcher shops, fisheries, and eateries… The place is booming, and I wouldn’t doubt that it is packed to the gills every day. Honestly, I don’t think we saw any other foreigners there. It seemed to be a local treasure. Which we could totally see why!

 Adventures To Paloquemoa Market In Bogotá Colombia

I have never seen so much beautiful produce. Around every single corner, there was an array of fruits & veggies stacked up, freshly picked from the farmer’s fields. Everything in that place is certified organic, because of Paloquemao’s high-quality standards.

It wasn’t just the food that was outstanding…

At the Paloquemao Market in Bogotá the people were incredible! When we first arrived we were a little shaken from our walk (more on that in a moment), and then we were completely submerged in a fast-moving crowd of people on a mission to get their groceries. Hallway after hallway of never-ending market, there were so many paths to choose. Luckily we caught it all on film.

Our first stop was to this taco stand in the middle of the market. The place was packed with locals, and people in line were telling us in Spanish how great the smoked pork tacos were. So we did what any smart traveler would do… Eat where the locals eat! That is always something we look for, locals eating! You will rarely be disappointed if the locals are eating there, and making recommendations.


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After receiving our order, we looked around to find a place to stand an eat, because there were quite literally people EVERYWHERE! The lady who served us the tacos, told us to follow her in Spanish (we think) as she took our plate out of our hand. She leads us to a little nook where there were tables, we could eat without having our plate bumped out of our hands. Moments later, another woman came with pico de gallo, and a couple of different salsas! Talk about service. The combination of smoked pork, pineapple, fresh cilantro, and spices blew our minds. Those tacos will be hard to beat.


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That’s not all… Everywhere we turned, we kept having amazing interactions with people. As we would pass people, they would say “buen viaje” which means good trip. Many other vendors at the market were excited to tell us the benefits of the fruits, explaining how they prevent cancer, and aid digestion. We were happy to buy things we have never had before, because even though we didn’t fully understand what people were saying to us… They were so lovely, we wanted to support their businesses, and experience new flavors. A wonderful decision I must say… If you haven’t had Mangostino… DO IT! We now have a new favorite fruit!


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Paloquemao Market in Bogotá is a big inspiration, especially for entrepreneurs…

Meeting Miguel & Natalia at the market was such an awesome experience. They have a cute little coffee shop, and while we were sipping on a traditional tinto coffee they were happy to tell us all about it. Brian understood a LOT more than me, but we still had fun doing sign language with each other and laughing as we went. Their little coffee stand seemed very popular, as they had great relationships with all of their customers while we were there. Now that’s just good business practice. Get to know your customers, build a relationship, and they will keep coming back. They even included us in the conversation, and their customers gave us some important tips.


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The most noteworthy things to keep in mind…

Arriving to the market: Know that GPS will always give you the most efficient route, but not always the safest one. We were directed through a pretty hairy neighborhood, with some shady characters. Watch our video for more details HERE, but basically, something to keep in mind, is when you are heading into a new neighborhood, take an Uber, or taxi. We have had great experiences with both here in Bogotá Colombia so far. Always get the place you are staying, or establishments to order you a taxi (and that goes for any country.)

Pictures & Videography: At the little coffee shop in the market, this sweet older couple we met told us that it was completely safe to carry our BIG Rig (or camera…. The Canon 80D) around in the market, along with the GoPro 7. Shooting film or photos in the neighborhood was definitely NOT a good idea. They said to keep all cameras and valuables tucked away in that specific area. Thus we weren’t off the deep end, or being judgy.


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BIG takeaways from our Adventure to Paloquemao…

Always BE mindful of your surroundings while traveling. Your silly GPS might lead you to areas you least expected. If that happens, keep your wits about you. Do NOT panic.

Take a moment to recalibrate, and give your map a good look. We like to download Google maps of the cities & surrounding areas we are going to so we never have to worry about the internetworking, or not in a hairy situation. As you observe your map put your backs towards a wall, and memorize your route the best you can. Brian + I like to work together to do this. So we are both in the know of our path.

Here’s the thing… Most people on this planet have good intentions. Sure there are people out there who do bad things, but if you live your life fearful that something bad is going to happen to you, then you will never leave your hotel, Airbnb, or worse… Your home! You will never get to experience the beautiful souls of this world, like the people we got to meet at Paloquemao Market here in Bogotá!


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We have met some of the most incredible people along with our adventures, and we intend to meet a heck of a lot more. All we encourage is that you travel smart. You will be amazed by how many locals care about your safety because tourism is so important to their economy. They truly want you to have a good time, spend your money, and tell all of your friends about their country. BEcause travel is JUST like business! Isn’t it?

Want to experience more adventure, and BE the best version of yourself so you can have it all…

Taking care of yourself is a top priority, above all else. How are you supposed to be great in your relationships, or run a successful business that allows you the freedom & flexibility you want, without your health? That is why we highly recommend Paloquemao Market in Bogotá! OR any farmers market in any city around the globe for that matter. Not only are you supporting locals, but you are also getting to experience the true culture of the place you have traveled.

Getting what you want starts with setting goals. Whether they are personal goals, relationship goals, travel goals, or business goals… It’s impossible to hit a target without knowing where you want to go.

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Erin Nicole Bick

Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!

 – Erin Nicole Bick

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Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick

Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!


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