7 Funny Business Facts About Traveling Full-Time

What’s even more hilarious is that most of these are not funny as they happen but are looked back on fondly. Let us know in the comments which ones you have experienced, or if there’s any not here that you’ve encountered and found funny along your journey.
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1. Must-Have “Good” WiFi
You know that wonderful feeling you get when you’ve arrived at your Airbnb in a new country? You’re on the road, experiencing a killer life because you made the decision to build a simple business online with your love.
At first, the trip started off great and then you did an internet speed test at your new pad you’ll be staying at for the next two weeks. Your heart sinks deep in your chest as you see the dial barely move thinking, “They said this place had ‘Good WiFi’… WTF! This isn’t even fast enough to get on a Zoom Video call!”
When you’re building a business online, there’s no doubt you need good internet. And it’s this along with other funny business facts that’s could make a “fun time” into one that makes you want to pick up and go to the next city!
You gotta have good WiFi when you’re running an online business so that you are efficient & can maximize the time you spend.
2. Always Hunting For “Good” Places To Stay
So… You have the idea that you want to travel the world with your love. You should totally do it, and creating a simple business online is the way we were able to do it.
What’s funny is that when we first started traveling full-time in April 2017, we had this great idea that we would stay in places for 2 or 3 nights, then move to another city or region. By wandering around the globe, we could see more places, experience more cultures, and enjoy nature.
All this was just fine until we found that once every three days we were spending WAY too much time hunting for “good” places to stay. Why this is one of the funny business facts is that when you’re spending soo much time finding good places to stay, it’s cutting into the time you should be spending creating content, connecting with people messaging you about your business, or even creating more eCourses for your Tribe.
We ended up changing how we travel. Now we stay in a spot for about 1-2 months, depending on the length of time the tourist visas allow for whatever country we’re in at the time.
Staying longer in Airbnbs generally gets you a better rate, and you can nest into a spot & get into a really good groove. You end up being able to enjoy a region longer AND get more shit done in your business!
3. “Clean” Places To Stay Is Relative
Pictures are worth a thousand words, and you’d be surprised at how many people Photoshop the crap out of a picture to lure you into staying at their Airbnb!
I can’t tell you how many places say, “…Clean, safe, and comfortable…” in their descriptions. That may be true… But they neglect to add in, “…Relative to other places in this neighborhood…” THAT is where you feel tricked! Because “Clean” where you’re from, and “Clean” where you’re going maybe two completely different things.
This is one of those not so funny business facts that you just take a deep breath and just be thankful you’ve got a business online that allows you to travel somewhere else soon!
4. Good View Required to Work
Nothing inspires more than traveling to a place that says, “…Has a great view…” and realizing that the great view is of the building right across from you (or from the roof-top of a condo building… NOT from your actual unit).
We LOVE having a good view when we’re working. There’s something about the inspiration of a beautiful landscape, monkeys running by, or even toucans & macaws flying by that gets you into the groove to create.
Some of the best views so far have been in Gigante Nicaragua, Quepos Costa Rica, and in the great Canadian Shield of Bon Echo Provincial Park.
Put yourself in the place you feel most comfortable. And if you’re not there yet in your life or business, what could you do to make that happen?
For us, it was taking our idea that we wanted to BE where we wanted to be and then create a simple business online about that. It works for us & it could work for you too!
5. Internet Will Suck Sometimes
When you’re building a business online, the internet is non-negotiable. We took for granted the internet speeds we get in Toronto and Austin – Smoking fast!
As we were traveling through Mexico & Central America, internet speeds were pretty crappy most of the time.
When we started to accept that not all places would have good internet, we stopped expecting that every place would be up to our ideal speeds. This allowed us to be at peace with it, and to start focusing on required tasks that could be created offline. Then when we have a decent connection, we’re able to upload & schedule content.
When you’re thinking about the hilarity of these funny business facts, it’s more of a sarcastic view of something that’s not so funny, more painful, but you gotta laugh it off so you can experience more life without being pissed off all the time.
6. Flights Not Always Perfect
A perfect flight is one that takes off on time, lands on time, and experiences no mechanical failures en-route (or crying babies on board).
We think it’s a huge win that an airplane can even get off the ground! Think about it… A 737 weighs over 65 metric tons (mind-blowing)! What’s even more mind-blowing is that I weigh just under 200 lbs and can’t take off without the aid of mechanics (because I haven’t figured out how to levitate YET!)
The moment you are OK with flights not always being perfect is the moment all your flights will go considerably smoother.
Just the other day, we were checking in to fly from Austin, Texas to Toronto, Ontario. Having bought our tickets one month in advance, we didn’t even think that our tickets didn’t exist.
Upon arrival at the airport, the airline told us that we didn’t have tickets any longer because the flight was canceled because our connecting flight was delayed considerably.
Lucky for us, we bought the Travel Insurance the airline offered, and they put us on a sister-airline that left earlier, arrived earlier, was about $400/ticket MORE non-stop, AND they checked our carry-on bags… All for free!
I would say THAT was a huge win!
When you’re on a time crunch, this sort of inconvenience could cause even the most macho man a mental meltdown. Pro Tip… Always travel with time to spare and with the attitude that everything is going to be alright (Just like Bob Marley sings!)
7. Carry-Ons Not Always As Advertised
What’s cool about having a business online is that you can travel full-time (because you JUST need a WiFi connection every so often).
With that being said, packing so light that you can travel with only a carry-on is a HUGE advantage (because you don’t have to wait for the carrousel at baggage claim or even risk your luggage NOT making it on the flight).
This is one of those funny business facts that leaves me perplexed and scratching my head.
When we were packing our bags for the first time, we agreed that for the next couple of years we were just going to travel with a carry-on. Fair enough! We wanted to be light-weight and cruise through airports like the pros.
All until one day Erin was rolling a suitcase that was advertised and sold to her as an approved carry-on size.
Come to find out… Most EVERY airline has THEIR “approved carry-on” sizes (and they change from time to time!)
Here are a few examples of the maximum dimensions for a carry-on bag including handles & wheels:
United Airlines: 9 x 14 x 22 inches
Air Canada: 9 x 15.5 x 21.5 inches
WestJet: 21 x 15 x 9 inches
Southwest Airlines: 10 x 16 x 24 inches
Seeing the above examples clearly demonstrates that any time a company says “This bag is an approved carry-on size…” Take THAT with a grain of salt (because obviously, all the carry-on bag sizes are not one and the same.)
Can’t we all just be friends & decide collectively what ONE carry-on size should be?
So what the heck do you do?
Decide which airlines you’ll be using and go with the SMALLEST dimensions. This way you’re ensured to be able to carry-on those flights and the flights that allow a slightly bigger size.
In Conclusion…
There are all sorts of things that are funny business facts, which make life interesting. I know that some of these you’re probably thinking… “Dude… Brian… Not all of these were funny.” And I have to agree with you. However, at the moment, when you’re stressed out about these things going on, sometimes you just gotta laugh it off and remember that life will not end. There’s going to be more time to get on WiFi. Learn to batch & schedule more content so that you can free up those potentially stressful times because life is too short & precious to fuss about stuff that isn’t really that important to get your feathers ruffled about.
For more funny tips, and more explanations to these, check out the YouTube video we produced that goes along with this blog post called Funny Facts About Travelling Full-Time Together With An Online Business
Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!
– Brian Garcia
Hey, we're Brian + Erin. Currently, we're workin' on our bug out bus. Lucky the proverbial $hit hadn't hit the fan yet when we picked up this 40-foot beauty in Phoenix AZ and drove it up to Canada to convert it. Hopefully, we all still have time...
Honestly, this bus conversion has been the only sane thing in this insane world lately. We can't tell you how good it feels to BE working on something that lights our souls up and has such potential for a life that is entwined with nature, love, and happiness.
Our main goal is to inspire people to get off-grid and become self-reliant. We are well on our way and are super excited to talk about solutions with others who are shooting for a similar way of living.
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.