Couple-Preneurs: 3 Ways To Give Your Online Business A Boost

To BE Where you want, when you want, together, sometimes you just need a fresh perspective so that you can learn some new ways to give your business a boost.
Maybe you know a couple of the three ways we’re going to chat about in this article to give your online business a boost… We’d love to know what other ways you’ve found in the comments at the end of this article.
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1. Get REALLY Organized & Eliminate Time Sucks
It had been nearly a month and a half since we moved from one Air BNB to the next in Costa Rica. When we travel, we like to stay in places for an extended period so that we can get to know some locals and experience the city like the residents.
With this comes some drawbacks… We start to feel a bit “nesty”…
This means we open up our bags, put our clothes in the closet, buy all sorts of food for the kitchen, and we’ve been known for buying blenders on multiple occasions (because we love to blend it up!)
When you’re in a place for quite a bit, staying organized so you can pick up and go can become an issue.
So how do you fix that sort of thing?
We found that we have to consciously stay organized… And not just a little bit organized… If we want to give our business a huge boost, we’ve gotta stay REALLY organized!
Our organization doesn’t stop with keeping our clothes folded… This organization has to be in every aspect of our lives (including in our business!)
Ways we found that being organized has helped is being very purposeful with our plans.
When we’re on the road traveling (like we’ve been doing non-stop since April 2017) producing content on a schedule can become an issue.
So, we end up using Google Calendar mixed with our physical Moleskine journals. This way we don’t miss any of the content that we produce.
Now, when being more organized, there’s always some sort of time-suck that we’ve dealt with. This includes the infinite scroll-hole of social media.
I had to turn off the majority of notifications on my phone (and put it on silent mode with no vibration) just so I could stay focused on a blog post, or editing one of our YouTube videos (you should Subscribe + Hit That Bell, if you haven’t yet… Our videos are pretty fun! And… Heck! You may learn something there that we didn’t publish here in the blog).
If I were to nail down one thing about organization and time-sucks that drain your concentration… It would be this: Give your business a boost by having definiteness of purpose with what you’re doing and just get rid of things that are stealing your time. YOU are in control!
What do you find yourself wasting time on?
Let us know in the comments!
2. Write Down Your Top 3 Profit Making Activities
Not all activities are created equal… Some make you money… The majority take your money (or prevent you from earning it while you feel like you’re doing things that will give your business a boost.)
Let’s start by looking at some activities that do NOT make you money…
Scroll-holing on Social Media.
I get it… Those hearty-eyed emojis, thumbs up, angry face, or likes can be addicting. What sucks is that they are vanity metrics that make you feel like you’re moving forward (when in actuality, it’s just a little emoji).
I’ve spent HOURS scrolling through, engaging on other people’s posts so that HOPEFULLY my profile posts will get a boost… They don’t.
Another non-income producing activity is trying to message everyone and their mother to try to “sell” your products and services on social media.
Been there… Done that… Don’t do it any longer because it’s a waste of time.
Seriously… It’s SOCIAL media…
Maybe try building the “know, love, trust” factor instead of pitching people right when you send them a friend request.
I know it doesn’t work because I spent 3 solid years doing that crap before I learned that I should have created a brand from the beginning & produce content that helps my target audience. This way people find you online & buy from you… (just like when any human wants to buy something, they Google it, find it, buy it… That person selling it didn’t send you a friend request to pitch it to you…)
Just saying… If you position yourself to answer people’s questions, provide solutions to their problems, or give relievers to their pain… When they Google what you have (which is what they are looking for) YOUR website or YouTube channel shows up.
It’s hard to believe… I know… But I’ve also never bought anything from anyone pitching me (and I bet you haven’t either! If you have, leave a comment and let us know what that thing was…)
Here are a couple of profit making activities we love doing…
Write a blog post (What?? Yeah, for real! No kidding! Blog posts live forever and can be found on Google – As of this writing… Facebook posts are NOT found on Google)
Message people back who message you first (Whaaatt again?? For real! No joke again! There are ways to set yourself up so people message you who are already interested in what you have… Message us if you’re wondering how to do this.)
The last… Create YouTube videos that educate, entertain, and inspire… After spending over $20k in Facebook ads, we realized that NONE of those videos or posts will EVER be found on Google.
You’re thinking… WTF!!!???
Yeah… We know that sucks.
Social posts are made for engagement in the moment… Not for a long-term content creation strategy (so don’t think your Tweets, Instas, Pins, or Facebook LIVEs will show up on the front page of Google…)
So how do you get on the winning side?
Make videos for YouTube!
We just officially started our BE Adventure Partners YouTube channel in July 2018 and are having SOOO much more organic (not paid for) views than we’ve ever had on Facebook (“officially” simply means that we’re producing videos made for YouTube vs. posting Facebook LIVEs to YouTube… which come to find out isn’t a great idea).
Sorry, Zuckerberg… Google is cooler.
3. Follow Your Plan & Track Your Progress
Have you ever seen a squirrel in the middle of the street and traffic is coming from both directions? Yeah… That squirrel gets confused, can’t make up their mind, and ends up dead on the side of the road.
Because of the lack of ability to follow a simple plan.
Back to your plan…
The plan: Run across the street… But first, look both ways.
That’s a solid plan.
If you’re chasing one shiny object after another (you’ll probably quit, because of this thing called “Definiteness of Purpose”)
Hang with me for a second because THIS should give your business a boost!
What’s your plan?
BE Where you want, when you want… Together! With your online business!?
If that’s your plan, then tracking your progress is non-negotiable.
You cannot achieve what is not measured.
That’s what we call a GOAL.
If the goal is X… You don’t stop at W (because that’s just shy of hitting the goal of X… by one letter to be exact).
So, what could you measure to give your business a boost?
There are things we measure like cost per click.
How much does it cost for people to click on our links? And how many clicks does it take to generate a sale?
So, if the plan is to run an ad for clicks… The result? Clicks!
If the plan is to turn those clicks into sales… There has to be some sort of conversion mechanism at the other side of that click (it can’t JUST be a blog post… It would have to be one that calls your audience to action).
So, if you run an ad for clicks, then people go to your blog post, then those people read your blog post, then those people see a call to action to do something (like become a member of the Tribe for Entrepreneurs because you’d be able to give your business a boost by getting your questions answered on our LIVE Campfire Q+A video calls…)
THEN…. You’ll be able to measure how much it costs to acquire a customer or client (to see if THAT ad was worth your ad spend).
Pretty neat, huh?
Think about it… You could run an ad, that promotes your business… Gives people value… Builds the “know, love, trust” relationship, and then those people NATURALLY want to buy from you.
As our friends from the UK say… “BRILLIANT!”
Now you can track the progress you’re making by following your plan!
Need a plan? Get access to the BEAP Road Map by starting your trial. It’ll walk you through the various stages of online business so that you can feel good in yourself that you’re following a plan that works.
If a former firefighter & hairstylist could do it by following this plan… We believe you could too!
In Conclusion…
If you’re a couple-preneur wanting to give your business a boost… YOU are the ones who can make it happen! What is stopping you from your awesome life together? Get focused on what you’re wanting to create & make a plan. Stick to that plan (don’t be like the squirrel). Keep track of your results to that plan because THAT is what will give your business a boost.
If you’re anything like we were in the beginning… We had a TON of questions with nowhere to ask them. We believe that all couples should be able to BE where they want, when they want, together! With their business online. If you’re the type that would benefit from a fun community where you can get your questions answered, start your trial with the Tribe. You’ll get access to all the online business eCourses we create so that you can BE where you want, when you want… Together!
Until Next Time!
Adventure On… Adventure On!
– Brian Garcia
Did This Help You? If so, we would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and share on Facebook, or any of your favorite social media pages!
Brian Garcia + Erin Nicole Bick are full-time location independent, online business owners. Brian’s background is in firefighting, digital + photographic imaging, and web development. Erin’s background is in professional hairstyling, social intuition, personal development, creative writing, and brand identity development. Together, they create eCourses, high-end online business development coaching, and social media marketing strategies. They go by… BE Adventure Partners!
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BE Adventure Partners guides people in making money online. Earn an independent living from your knowledge, skills & passions. Become self-reliant. Live a smart & simple life on your terms.